Thursday, April 25, 2019

Yr13 -WRFC#(5) Begin to collect evidence-Evaluation

WRFC#(5) Begin to collect evidence and data and come to the next session ready to share your preliminary findings about the nature and extent of the student challenge i.e. using your baseline student data and evidence
  • I have collected individual students' past year results from kamar blog post is here

  • Historical results from NZQA site and my blog post is here.
  • Student voice blog post is here.

  • The following is the year planner:

  • Data:So far my whole class has finished the first internal Trigonometry test( 4credits) and here is the comparison of results between 2018 and 2019

  • The percentage of students who achieved Merit and Excellence increased, thereby shifted achievement higher out of achieved. Overall, I am happy with these results.

I am currently teaching the differentiation topic and currently only have data from the halfway topic test. As seen above, the majority of students got achieved.
  • Lifting achievement up to Merit and Excellence; In order for student to get Merit and Excellence endorsements, students must at least get a Merit or Excellence in this topic.
  • Another challenge is that getting students to retain this knowledge up until the end of year exams. 
    • To combat this: I have held revision classes in the first week of the holidays to make sure students remember this learning.
    • I also hold after-school study classes to ensure that students retain this knowledge and accuracy. 
  • My scholarship students have finished another internal test (3 credits) and here is the blog post explaining this. My challenge is to balance the yearly schedule and continue with the scholarship program.
  • To figure out how effective these solutions are, I will create a google form at the end of the topic as well as compile data of achievement after the topic finishes and share this in my next post. 

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