Sunday, April 7, 2024

SOLO taxonomy helps learners to identify between Achievement/ Merit/ Excellence.

Here is the breakdown:

Go SOLO As91580 (3.8) Time series


I found SOLO taxonomy used to enhance teaching, learning, assessment, and curriculum design.

My learners found this useful to reach their desired grades.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Term1 topics

As I mentioned in the previous post there are three different types of learners in this class so I planned for three topics and learners have introduced personalized learners to a quasi-university university environment.

Topic1: As91587(3.15) Systems of Simultaneous Equations(3 credits):

  • Promoting the Flipping Classroom model: 
  1. Every day prepare before class in the workspace by watching videos and practicing Algebraic skills..
  2. SOLO taxonomy.
  3. Every lesson conversation with learners about smooth transitioning.
  4. Annotated exemplars and Walker book to refer to.
  5. Meeting deadlines/Deadlines.
  6. encourage study groups

  • Rewindable learning- 
  1. Video lessons on the workspace, Study classes once a week for those poorly missed lessons, and catch-ups.
  • Face to Face tutorial lesson-
  1. Clear learners' doubts.
  2. Intensive teaching on Merit and Excellence according to their needs.
  3. Differentiated teaching.
  4. 3D Geogebra lessons.
  5. Literacy strategy- PEE structure.
  6. Annotated exemplars and Walker book to refer to.
  7. Meeting deadlines/Feedback.
Topic 2: As91580(3.8) Time series(4 credits):

  • Promoting the Flipping Classroom model-
  1. Every day prepare before class in the workspace by watching videos and reading articles as this is a Statistics topic.
  2. SOLO taxonomy.
  3. Every lesson conversation with learners about smooth transitioning.
  4. Annotated exemplars and Walker book to refer to.
  5. encourage study groups.
    • Rewindable learning- 
    1. Video lessons on the workspace, Study classes once a week for those poorly missed lessons, and catch-ups.
    • Face to Face tutorial lesson-
    1. Clear learners' doubts.
    2. Intensive teaching on Merit and Excellence according to their needs.
    3. Differentiated teaching.
    4. Literacy strategy -PEEL structure.
    5. meeting deadlines/Feedback.
    Topic 3: As91582(3.10)-Using Statistical methods to make a formal inference:
    This topic is a continuation of last year's topic 2.9 Statistical Inference and going to offer 
    those who wish to get more than 14 credits from internal. 

    • Promoting the Flipping Classroom model- 
    1. Every day prepare before class in the workspace by watching videos and reading articles as this is a Statistics topic.
    2. SOLO taxonomy.
    3. Every lesson conversation with learners about smooth transitioning.
    4. Annotated exemplars to refer to.
    5. Annotated exemplars, Walker book to refer to, and research skills.
    6. Encourage study groups.
    • Rewindable learning- 
    1. Video lessons on the workspace, Study classes once a week for poorly missed lessons, and catch-ups.
    • Face to Face tutorial lesson-
    1. Clear learners' doubts.
    2. Intensive teaching on Merit and Excellence according to their needs.
    3. Differentiated teaching.
    4. Literacy strategy-PEEL structure.

      Wednesday, March 20, 2024

      Inquiry 2024- Question1 &2

      (1) Our CoL teachers met with the Senior Leadership Team(SLT) to discuss our CoL Inquiry. 

      As I mentioned in the previous post, my focus is the year 13 Statistics class. 

      The SLT responded positively to my inquiry. I designed this inquiry with the support of 

      Dr Janni, who has extensive experience in the tertiary sector.

      Throughout my years of experience in education, I have witnessed the critical 

      importance of a smooth transition for college students into tertiary studies. 

      Readiness to study at the tertiary level, and post-secondary school,  influences 

      their coping with tertiary institutions' new culture and study approaches. 

      I am strongly motivated to support my students’ transition into tertiary studies 

      to be as smooth and empowering as possible.

      To support the student to be able to make a smooth transition from school 

      learning to tertiary studies, I will focus on the:

      1. Flipped Classroom model to promote independent learning and instill 

      the importance of learning readiness through prior knowledge.

      1. Rewindable learning offers students opportunities to revise and catch up 

      with missed or poorly understood in-class learning.

      1. Intensive teaching and learning sessions in class that thread prior

       learning to face-to-face tutorial-style teaching.

      The Flipped Classroom involves pre-study for the next day’s lessons. With my students,

       the Flipped Classroom approach will focus on pre-reading tasks and assignments related

       to the new learning, viewing some input materials about the teaching and focus to come,

       and testing out independently how much they can do without input from me. 

      Rewindable learning is focused on recycling and retrieving to consolidate new learning.

       Class lessons will be recorded and made available ubiquitously - anywhere, anytime.

       Further online consolidating lessons and learning will be made available by providing 

      students with several links that offer clear explanations and working examples. 

      Classroom tutorials are deep dives led by the teacher where new learning is carefully 

      scaffolded and learners actively interact with teacher input and supportively try out examples. 

      In my classroom, it will be a time when mathematical discourse is elevated and students 

      are given the confidence and space to voice their applied learning - with their peers and 

      with the teacher. 

      Question 2- I have been gathering information, scanning about learner as well as working on

      planning to upgrade myself. Link

      Thursday, March 14, 2024

      Planning with the literacy specialist

       (1) I caught up with Literacy specialist Mark Milford, who agreed to work with me to enhance various literacy skills. Here is the breakdown:

      • Improving Listening Skills and Summarising Lessons: Encouraging active listening techniques such as asking questions, taking notes, and paraphrasing what was heard.
      • Dealing with Unknowns: Teach strategies for handling uncertainty, such as educated guesses, and breaking down complex problems into smaller ones.
      • Processing vocabulary and Making connections: Encourage students to make connections between new vocabulary and concepts they really know.
      • L3 Bivariate Data: Collaborate with Mark Milford to develop instructional materials and activities tailored to Level 3 bivariate data concepts. Utilize the whiteboard as a tool for visualizing data and facilitating the incorporation of real-world examples and applications to demonstrate the relevance of bivariate data analysis.
      • Report writing for extension students: Provide a scaffold and support for students to plan and structure their reports effectively.
      Throughout the process, I encourage active engagement, and critical thinking to foster a deeper understanding and mastery of literacy skills by working closely with Mark Milford, I can tailor my approach to meet the specific goals of my students.

      Sunday, March 3, 2024

      Inquiry 2024 -knowing the learner

       Career pathways planning; 

      The NCEA University Entrance requirements;

      • NCEA Level 3.
      • three subjects at Level 3, made up of 14 credits in each of the three approved subjects.
      • 10 credits in literacy at Level 2 or above, from a specified list of standards, 5 credits in reading, and 5 credits in writing.
      I have been working with my learners to discover their career goals as they are in year 13. I have developed a program where they could achieve at least 14 credits from their internal to secure their university partial university entrance before working on externals.

      Here is their career goal: 

      Course planning:

      After investigating their last year's results, their dream career pathway, and their abilities, I have modified the plan for the year  as follows:
      One group of learners will focus solely on internals, aiming for 14 or more credits.
      A second group of learners will tackle one external exam along with 5 internal assessments.
      The third group of learners will take on three external exams and 4 internal assessments.

      Sunday, February 25, 2024

      My Inquiry 2024 -Knowing the learners

       My Inquiry this year is Year 13 Statistics class. In this class ethnicity breakdown is as follows: 

      There are five Samoan learners, Five Tongan learners. one Asian learner, five  Maori learners, and two  Cook Island Maori learners.

      Last year's (2023) NCEA results:

      Last year NCEA results showed that nine learners came from the year 12 Statistics pathway, 
      seven students came from the General Maths pathway and two of them didn't take maths in 
      year 12. Additionally, of those who came from the year 12 Statistics pathway, two gained 
      Excellence, 3 gained Merit, and three gained Achieved in External examination.