Friday, April 5, 2019

Term 1 Reflection My Inquiry Year 13 -Differentiation skill test and trigonometry internal

 Differentiation skill test and trigonometry internal

According to the students’ feedback, most of them enjoyed Differentiation topic. This reflected in their results too. However, I am going to continue helping them after school on Wednesday and Friday and term one break in order to maintain their accuracy and time management skills. I am planning to do the whole topic test beginning of next term.
Also, I have already finished my first topic (Trigonometry internal) before I started this blog. I am pleased with their overall progress for the term.

First NameEthnicityAS91575 TrigonometryInternal(4 Cr)Differentiation skills
Student ACook Island MaoriA4A
Student BMaoriE4A
Student CMaoriM4A
Student DTonganA4A
Student EMaoriE4M
Student FTonganE4A
Student GSamoanM4A
Student HNZ E/PakehaE4M
Student ICook Island MaoriM4A
Student JTonganA4A
Student KTonganM4A
Student LSamoanWIP
Student MTonganE4E
Student NTonganM4ab
Student OFilipinoA4ab

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