Thursday, May 9, 2019

Introduction to Linear programming

  • #1.  Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice.
Linear programming and Applications


In the past few lessons, we have been forming inequalities out from word problems and drawing inequalities to find feasible regions.

It’s a method that is often used in companies to help them maximise profits or minimise costs under constraints. This method was developed during WWII to solve military logistics e.g. number of soldiers, airplanes and weapons.
My learners' engagement is very high at present as they are working with online tool demos for graphing
and the problems are very practical.
I hope this assessment will shift their achievement towards a better grade(Merit or Excellence)

Video watch


Student work

Linear Programming
Chocolatier Burie wants to make chocolates that are handmade and machine
made. They have employees who works no more than 1296 hours per week
and machines that can run up to 1824 hours per week.
Handmade chocolates require 18 hours of labour and 6 hours of machine
time while machine made chocolates require 4 hours of labour and 12 hours
of machine time. With handmade chocolates, they earn a profit of $89 per
batch and with machine made chocolates, they earn a profit of $55 per batch.

How many batches of handmade and machine made chocolates should be
made to achieve maximum profit on a weekly basis?

5 Graph constraints

Next step: I am going to use the KWL chart to find their weaknesses and strengths.

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