Sunday, May 5, 2019

My Inquiry Learner' visit to engineering expo

#1.  Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice

  Engineering Career Expo (South Pacifica Professional Engineering Excellence)
·         Two of my Colleagues Mr Vincent  Lee, Mr Johan Koch, and I took my year13 calculus students and year12 students to an Engineering Career Expo yesterday.  Students had an opportunity to learn about the engineering industry through South Pacific Professional Engineering Excellence.  The focus was to explore what a career in engineering could look like and dig deeper into Engineering.

·         What is engineering?        Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to solving problems in the real world. While science (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) allows us to gain an understanding of the World and the Universe, Engineering enables this understanding coming to life through problem solving, designing and building things.

·         I am thrilled that two of my old students, both Ex-students of Tamaki College, Havea  Pamaka (Site Engineer - Infrastructure Projects, Downer) and Emma Brown (Engineering PHD candidate), also spoke to our learners about their success. They have promised to visit the school to empower and inspire our learners . I also came to know about this event form Havea Pamaka, 

We also met with the other ex-student.who is a 
Bio medical Engineering student at Auckland university

·         It was emphasised by each provider that calculus was the key to success in engineering and other 
       science related courses at university.

·         The trip was very productive as students learned more about the career and the many types of 
        engineering that are offered. Students were particularly interested in biomedical and environmental engineering. I hope to bring in the ex-students to motivate these students further. Student found it overwhelming to see success from Polynesians and Maori too. Students are going to continue make a relationship with Tertiary providers and past students to find a meaningful pathway.

·         My colleagues and I also found the day extremely useful in understanding engineering in the 21st century and this knowledge can be shared to other students also.

  • Whanau Voice: I had a chance to talk to whanau while they dropped students off at school that morning. It was a good opportunity to update them about their progress.

·         Next Step:

o    Inviting ex-students to speak

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