Wednesday, May 8, 2019

GO SOLO Y13 -Linear Programming As91574(3.2)

Linear Programming As91574(3.2)

Using SOLO taxonomy involves learners in their own differentiation and makes the 
process behind learning explicit. It highlights the difference between surface and deep
 understanding, helping students understand where they are on that spectrum, and what
 they need to do to progress.
My learners found SOLO  taxonomy very useful to understand the NCEA breakdown A/M/E.

Multi structural-skills

Provides a feasible region graphically showing at least 2 constraints correctly
Provides an equation of the inequality for the time constraint                                             OR
Provides an equation of the inequality for the cost constrain (ingredients)
Provides the profit equation to be maximised
Achievement with Merit
Relational -
Clearly identifies that the variables of interest in context
All constraints correctly identified (including inequalities written correctly)
Correctly graphed all the constraints and has identified the feasible region
Maximum profit correctly stated in context  
Has started to investigate what happens when a new profit is used
Has started to investigate what happens when a new profit is used

Achievement with ExcellenceExtended Abstract-  establish a model
Identifies new profit equation to be maximised
Identifies the new maximum profit in context using mathematical evidence providing  multiple examples of maximum profit
Clearly demonstrates that there are multiple solutions to maximise profit (using mathematical evidence)

Importance of linear programming-With linear programming learners can
 easily solve business problem. It is very benefited for increase the profit or
 decrease the cost of business. Linear programming solve problem under
 different limitations and conditions. so It is easy for manager to work under 
limitations and conditions. 

Example of student work

Next step: I am going to give examples of  real life problems to dig deeper into the  
concept of linear programming.

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