Sunday, August 25, 2019

3.15 Systems of equations Evaluation:

Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within the school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice.

3.15 Systems of equations Evaluation:

This is our third and the final internal. The percentage of students who gained Merit and Excellence has increased, thereby shifting achievement levels higher than Achieved. Overall, I am happy with these results. Comparing the results with 2018 there has been a 6% increase in learners gaining Excellence and Merit credits. These results contribute to Merit and Excellence endorsements.
I am happy the student who started this course without any prerequisite, has also gained three credits.
Also, my scholarship students finished this standard last year and are included in the evaluation.
While I was working with the learners I noticed:
The whiteboards are really working. Learners  really enjoy having the opportunity to spend part of a lesson out of their seats, The multiple whiteboards are perhaps the most effective tools available for giving the students opportunities to develop their key competencies in Mathematics and Statistics – thinking, relating to others, using language, symbols and text, managing self and participating and contributing.

  Here is the learners' feedback.

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