Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Elephant in the classroom

I read a book about The Elephant in the classroom by Jo Boaler helping learners to learn and love; Mathematics. I found this useful during this critical time to cater to everyone to meet their needs.

In conclusion:
Mathmatics is a painful experience for many children in the English speaking world.
Without mathematical know-how, young adults are disadvantaged in the workforce.
The book is about helping children have a positive relationship with maths.
Our challenge needs to be to take the fear and boredom out of our subject and replace it with excitement and interest.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Christine, I particularly enjoyed your snapshot on Slide 10 of 'What is going wrong in classrooms?'. I was always terribly hopeless at Maths at school, and not much has changed for me as an adult. That said, I had the most fabulous Maths teacher in my senior years at high school, who patiently helped me to cross the achievement line, only just, but still, achievement for me in Maths, was a big deal. One of the key things about this teacher was exactly what you've stated in the last sentence of Slide 10 "Teachers need to be open-minded about what their students can achieve". Thanks for the read, and a huge thanks and shout out to Mr Cohen from Edgecumbe College!


Knowing the learners(2)