Leading for Differentiation
I read a book about Leading for Differentiation by Carol Anne Tomlinson & Michael Murphey which is
an ideal book as this class is a mixed ability class.
Four traits of classroom teaching
Student-centered, because to help each learner grow, it is imperative to know where that learner is in a
progression from novice to competent to expert.
progression from novice to competent to expert.
Knowledge-centered, so that teachers and students invest in important learning goals that help learners
make connections among ideas, see relationships among the various aspects of what they learn,
and become able to apply and transfer what they learn to contexts beyond the immediate lesson
and beyond the classroom.
Assessment- centered, because of the effective use of formative assessment helps teacher and students
better understand the student's learning journey and know how to construct the next steps in
that journey.
Community-centred, because it is important for students to have support as they grapple
with challenge and because working in a community (rather than in isolation) inevitably
models varied pathways to learning.
I found this book very useful to differentiate effectively.
Hi Christine, thank you for sharing. I'm always interested in resources that relate to differentiation for learning. Have you tried any of these recently, and if so, which did you trial, and how did it go?