Sunday, October 17, 2021

Inquiry Question#6/3: identify informal & formal ways you are monitoring the effects of your changed practices/intervention on learner outcomes. Explain the reflections and tweaks you are making along the way WFRC #6/4: Describe how you will keep a record of each of the above in a manageable way (‘cos you won’t otherwise remember all your many micro-decisions and why you made them)


 Tweak: How to collaborate and create integrated online lessons to improve literacy, skills, and rewindable learning using DocHub, Miro online board, and Google jam board.Link

Next term, I am going to start classes using videos, google jam board and Miro online board which incorporates literacy skills, Algebraic skills. This is also to go through rewardable learning techniques and make sure students recall what they have already learned. I will also present exemplars of contextual questions to unpack keywords, skim reading techniques, matching activities, and video clips.  
I am also going to maintain a log and a tracking sheet to check student progress and keep a record of this on an excel spreadsheet. 


  1. Kia ora Christine! I came across your Professional Blog post through the Teachers Inquire Twitter feed during the Term 4 DFI. Thank you for sharing your inquiry and for the tool suggestions. I was wondering if you could provide further details on how you plan to use DocHub and Miro? Is there a reason you specifically chose these apps to promote literacy skills and in what ways? Look forward to your response. Nga mihi nui, Naomi

  2. Hi Naomi
    Maths is not easy to teach online.
    Dochub- allows me to write on PDF document to explain and would be good to give feed back as well. Students found it useful with the online pen and eraser too.
    Real life safer to practice past papers.
    Miro- My students usually solve math problems to practice a specific skill. Then we discuss the different ways they approached the problem, helping them understand the skill more deeply. As Miro has a collaborative white board,pen, sticky notes etc, I found it useful.Thank you so much Naomi.


Knowing the learners(2)