Sunday, June 30, 2019

Mid year examination evaluation

Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within the school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice.

Midyear Examinations evaluation:
  My learners have finished midyear examinations one group sat for two practice papers.
(Differentiation and Complex Numbers) and the second group sat for one paper (Complex Numbers). For Differentiation, this is their third practice
For Complex Numbers, this is their first practice test, therefore, I am unable to draw a comparison graph. Normally my learners do not sit two papers at this stage of the year.
I was impressed by their commitment and determination demonstrated by their attending after school classes.

Differentiation & Complex Numbers

• The percentage of students who have achieved Merit increased. However, there is a room for improvement in the number of Excellences.
• Those who did achieve higher were those who attended after school and holiday classes.
Complex Number:
• I am impressed with the results as this is our self-directed learning topic.

Here is a student perspective:
• Learners enjoyed Complex Numbers rather than Differentiation.
• Learners identified three areas of concern. Finishing the paper on time, careless mistakes and panicking about where to start.

My challenge:
• Ensuring my learners have the strategy to complete exam papers on time.
• Embedding checking for errors into all learning activities.
• Continuously reinforcing test condition in class to overcome learners needs.
• Those who attend study classes did well. I need to ensure my learners understand they need to continue attending their study classes for future success.
• Accelerating my learners, so they can reach at least a Merit level.

Next step for this topic: Learners will be sitting the third round practice test for Differentiation and the second round of practice for Complex Numbers  in week9, (Term3). These practice tests are very important as they give my learners their derived grade.

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Year11 Reflection: