Sunday, March 24, 2019

Yr13 - WFRC(3) #catalyst issues

WFRC#(3) Explain why you judge this to be the most important and catalytic issue of learning for this group of learners this year (In chemistry, a catalytic substance one  which increases the speed of a chemical reaction).

My main focus is literacy within the subject. Reading is the key to understand questions and pick up key information to find answers. By practicing literacy strategies repetitively, I can push more students to university as well as share strategies with my colleagues.

My collaboration approach adds motivation and values. When we work together with teachers to identify common challenges we can analyse data, test and challenge our instructional approach.

However my catalyst issues are:

How can I promote self-efficacy, independent learning and imitate university environments in the class room at all times?

Do my students really enjoy this subject and enjoy this pathway?

Are they doing enough homework in order retain the knowledge?

Do they know how to manage time effectively and are consistent with their learning or are they leaving everything to the last minute?

Are there enough resources and practice mathematical language activities to cope up with the NCEA requirements?

How can I best accelerate learning so my students can make more than a year progress?

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