Tuesday, March 26, 2019

My Inquiry Year 13-Chunk Chew Check Strategy

What is Chunk Chew Check strategy?

CHUNK = INPUT Students acquire new information 
in varied ways.
CHEW = PROCESS Students make sense of new
information in varied ways.
CHECK = OUTPUT Students show what they have
learned in varied ways.

Practice test for Differentiation

1)I began Practice test today by  chunking  first five questions  of the practice test.

(2) After presenting a “chunk,” giving students a task to do with a partner or group to actively process the new information. The techniques in this guide will give learners many ways to engage  in this kind of cognitive processing.

 (3) Following the processing, I gave  another chunk of new information. This chunk was a second five  critical information with a partner. Students have specific kinds of processing in which they will engage once each information-input segment has occurred.
(4)  I  repeated the above cycle until all the chunks of critical information for the practice introduced and processed.
(5) I instructed students to review the critical information chunks from the day and think about whether anything they learned in a previous lesson connects with their new learning. Then ask them to engage in some kind of summarizing activity to connect the various 

(6) My learners really enjoyed it and I am quite keen to see the real test outcomes tomorrow.

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