Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Inquiry Year13-GO SOLO AS91587(3.6) Differentiation

My learners found SOLO  taxonomy very useful to understand the NCEA breakdown A/M/E.
We are almost halfway of the topic and planning to sit the mid topic test next week.

Here is the breakdown

Achievement Criteria
Explanatory Notes



Differentiate functions 
and use derivatives to 
solve problems.

Multi structural-skills

·         Types of functions will be selected from:
-      power
-      exponential (base e only)
-      logarithmic (base e only)
-      trigonometric (including reciprocal functions).
·         Differentiation of functions may include the use of the chain 
rule and product and quotient rules for expanded polynomials:
-          chain rule with polynomials in expanded form such as
i           (x2 + 5x)7
iii        7e2x
iv        ln(2x + 7)
v         sin5x
-          product and quotient rules for combinations of straightforward 
functions, at least one of which is in expanded polynomial form, such as
i           x2. sinx
ii         (2x3- 4).ex
iii         2x   .
Iv (x + 3) products, such as (3x2 –7)3(4x + 8) or
                   v quotients, such as
·         Problems may include:
-        optimisation of a given function
-        rates of change which may involve kinematics
-        finding equations of normals and tangents
-        locating maxima and minima of polynomial functions.


Demonstrate knowledge
of advanced concepts
and techniques of
differentiation and solve
differentiation problems.

Relational - Explain,Relate, sketch,two steps, and modelling

·         Knowledge, concepts and techniques of differentiation will be selected 
from the following types:
-        sketching the graph of a derived function from a given graph
-        differentiation of combinations of functions including:
i         implicit differentiation such as x2+ 3y2 = 15
ii        parametric differentiation for first derivative only
-        identifying features of given graphs involving a selection from:
i         limits
ii        differentiability
iii       discontinuity
iv       gradients
v        concavity
vi       turning points
vii      points of inflection
-        sketching graphs to demonstrate knowledge of the above features.

·         Problems may involve:
-        interpretation of features of graph
-        modelling of a situation
-        optimisation
-        related rates of change, involving two directly related rates.


Solve more complex differentiation problem(s).

Extended Abstract-


establish a model

·         Problems may involve:
-        establishing a model
-        a proof
-        testing the nature of turning points and verifying points of inflection
-        related rates of change involving more than three related rates, 
eg dh/dt = dh/dθ.dθ/dv.dv/dt
-        the use of higher derivatives including parametric and implicit 
differentiation techniques.

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