Monday, March 18, 2019

Yr11-Introduction-Collaborative Inquiry

A Collaborative approach to 1.9 Transformation Geometry –Year 11 MAT

This year, I noticed that 2 of our classes were operating at a similar ability and because
 of this we have started this week in full swing with a plan as follows:
We wanted to teach this unit in collaboration with one of my colleagues as well as the co-curricular with technology. This authentic approach allows students  into deeper themes and will also incorporate cultural contents. This is the first collaborative approach of its kind.
We are planning teach the transformation geometry content using work space for three weeks. We are going to teach the learners how to draw using technology , write instruction of the design and describe  designs  using reflection, rotation, enlargement and translation.

After the design creation, we will use a laser cutter to print key tags. We are very excited about this unit as it is new, practical and collaborative!  

Sample - key tag

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