Sunday, May 14, 2023

Meeting with Marc Milford

 My learners working hard on the third internal Trigonometry (2.4), there are so many formulas to choose from. Mark Milfors, a literacy specialist help me to harness this problem using the "think loud" strategy as well as the KWL chart. This strategy encourages everyone to actively engage in discussion and share opinions. This strategy promotes collaboration and ensures that different perspectives are considered, leading to more well-rounded and comprehensive solutions.

What to "think loud" strategy? Set a problem and verbally express your thought process "Think loud" by vocalizing your thoughts and decision-making, Share reasoning, ideas loud, and considerations out loud until reach the solution.

"Think Aloud" Strategy to identify the correct formulae?

Step 1, I ask: Is the triangle a right-angled triangle

or a nonright-angled or right-angled triangle?

Step 2, I ask: -Are all the sides given to find the angle?

Step 3, I ask: -Are two sides and one angle given to find the angle?

Step 4, I ask: -Are two sides and one angle given to find the side?

Step 5, I ask: -Are two angles, and one side was given to find the angle? 

step6, I ask: This means I must use the formulae -----------

Once they reach the decision KWL chart is introduced to write answers.

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