Tuesday, May 9, 2023

First topic Term2

 As9126159-Trigonomtry(3 credits, Internal)

My learners have successfully completed two internals and this is the third internal and the first topic for term 2, worth 3 credits and the internal assessment will be in week 5.

What is Trigonometry? Trigonometry has numerous applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, architecture, computer graphics, navigation, and astronomy. Overall, trigonometry provides a set of tools for understanding and manipulating the geometric and angular aspects of the physics world.

Here is the plan:

  • Apply SOLO taxonomy- It provides a deeper understanding, higher order thinking and assessing student learning outcomes. It improves teacher practice and enhances student achievement.
  • Vocabulary for the introduction.
  • Reading comprehension- Learners must comprehend trigonometric concepts by reading textbooks, problem statements, and explanations. I encourage reading strategies such as high light key points, annotating, and summarizing to enhance understanding.
  • ViTaL sheet.
  • Peer teaching- Made them into groups and worked on the whiteboard to build confidence.
  • Workspace and Google Calendar.
  • Google jam board to familiarize yourself with shapes and properties.
  • Literacy strategy-Think loud and KWL.
  • Working with Mark Milford.
  • Study classes.

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