Saturday, May 28, 2022

My Inquiry question #3


Question (1): Got the clear picture of students form kamar and making conversation with Whanau. link.

Question (2) :My challenge is Literacy and comprehension, Well being and Missed lessons due to COVID distractions. Overall I happy with their progress here is the current update blog

Question(3): See the Blog post for the three pieces of reading: Link1 & Link2.

As91035 (1.10 )Multivariate data Evaluation and Numeracy celebration.

 My learners continued to work hard and completed their third  topic last week. I found workspace beneficial in managing the test. Here are the results,

Now , there  are 28 learners in this class(as I got two more new arrivals) and 22 sat the 

test and 20 of the learners completed the internal.8 learners gained Excellence, 

10 learners gained Merit and 2 gained Achievement. Rest of them are still working 

towards their first internals. Results are overwhelming as they have improved their 

wringing skills using PEEL strategy.

Here is the feedback:

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Literacy strategy

 My learners have been working on 1.10 Multivariate data. I found PEEL structure very useful to write statistical statements.

Here is the frame work I used to write statements. I started with the above framework and they have started to to write freely without the frame work. My learners found it really handy. 

What is PEEL?

Professional reading 2 &3

Professional Reading 1:Link

I recently read an article about Student wellbeing form Ministry of Education.

This page outlines their commitment to support their educator, parent, learner and Whanau to support the learners as follows.

Further more, it outlines international students' well being too. There are  three international students in my classroom.

  • Economic wellbeing
  • Education
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Inclusion

How is wellbeing connected to the curriculum?

A well-designed curriculum improves learning and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people.

This means learners:

  • have a sense of purpose and belonging
  • understand who they are
  • know who they are connected to
  • know how they can participate and contribute in a way that is real to them
  • know their teacher/kaiako can see them progress in learning.
Professional Reading 2
This article is very useful to accelerate Maori learners as I got eight Maori learners in my classroom. Link

Thank you Robyn Anderson for providing these link.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Professional reading 1

 The role of motivation:

I read an article about the role of motivation in learning, 

Why is motivation important?

First and foremost, motivation is an orientation towards learning. Therefore, it impacts how likely a student is either to give up or push forward, and how thoughtful their reflection on their learning will be. The deeper the motivation for pursuing an activity, the more likely that the student will not accept easy answers to complex questions. In short, intrinsic motivation fosters strong and flexible critical thinking skills. 

Furthermore motivation fosters creativity, critical thinking, resilience and self assurance.

How do we cultivate motivation?

By practising Growth mindset, Encourage self efficacy, Normalise the struggle, Minimise the struggle when there is one right answer,Develop optimally challenging mastery oriented goals, Create quiet space, Avoid tangible rewards, Acknowledge but don't dwell in the potential hurdles and measure motivation.

However, on a fortnightly or monthly basis, teachers can informally gauge student motivation by asking the following questions:


Panorama self user guide 

I found this article very use to nudge learners motivation by developing their sense of competency and control over their learning, as well as doing what we can to draw students in with interesting content.Also will going to self user guide question to assess their well being and motivation.

Term2 Plan

Here is the year planner for the term. I am planning to teach 1.10 Multivariate data with 4 internal credits and 1.4 Linear graphs with 3 internal credits. Further going to continue 1.6 Geometrical reasoning As this is an external standard. Trigonometry As91035(1.10) (4 credits, Internal): Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence. Well being checked during Do nows. Literacy strategy-PEEL structure. Workspace.Link ViTaL sheet/teacher dashboard. Using Google calendar to set lessons and video the lesson for rewinding purposes. Extra classes if needed. Peer teaching. At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the students to build their confidence. Weekly conversation with the Whanau to make strong connections and student voice.

Linear Algebra As91029(1.4) (3 credits, Internal): Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence. Well being checked during Do nows. Literacy strategy-PEEL structure and google jam-board. Desmos activities and marble slider activities.Link workspace(WIP). ViTaL sheet/teacher dashboard. Using Google calendar to set lessons and video the lesson for rewinding purposes. Extra classes if needed. Peer teaching. At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the students to build their confidence. Weekly conversation with the Whanau to make strong connections and student voice.

Geometrical Reasoning  As91031(1.6) (4 credits, External) CTD.

Well being check for week1 & 2

week1 Tuesday

week1 Thursday

week2 Tuesday

week2 Thursday

Monday, May 2, 2022

My Inquiry Question #2


2.1 Describe the tools/measure/approaches

Learners' voice- Number and Trigonometry

Internal assessment and practice test using work space.

Miro online board/ Apple pencil/ DocHub for online teaching.

Running record data- ViTaL sheet. Link

Well being check for Do Nows, Google jam-board and Google forms. Link

Planning by term. Link

Study class during the term and holiday break.

Online teaching. Link

Collaborating with the whanau weekly using conversation and emails.

2.2 Begin to collect data- the evidence as follows

I conduct a well being check in everyday as a Do Now which provides insight into their improvement.

PAT results in order to implement differentiated teaching.

Students completed two internals (Number and Trigonometry) assessments. It was very exciting to see that most of them have completed two internals during the COVID disruptions. Link

ViTaL sheet to track their progress. Link

Holiday classes

1.6 Geometric Reasoning
My learners really enjoyed the study classes, here are the highlights. I used DocHub /Apple pencil and used workspace and workbook for rewind their learning.

Year11 Reflection: