Monday, April 11, 2022

As91026(1.1) Number topic Evaluation

The first topic of this year was Number which was taught before I started my inquiry. During this time, we had our the Omicron peak so there were many disturbances to the class. Almost 50% of students attended online class during lock down.

There are 26 learners in the class and 21 learners successfully completed the topic with 4 credits in mid March and the rest are still working towards completion. I found workspace very useful in doing testing and follow up activities. 

Real testing

21 students have gained 4 credits with 7 attaining Excellence, 7 attaining Merit and 4 attaining Achievement. This is a testament to their resilience during unprecedented times and keeping connected via ViTaL sheet, conversations with the whanau, Workspace, online extra support and wellbeing checks. 
Group 1 and Group 2 learners have completed the assessment (except one student with a valid reason who will be returning only next term). These learners will be sitting either 3 externals papers or 2 external papers. 4 learners have decided to focus on Numeracy (10 credits) and not sit externals. These students require extra support and I have offered them time for catch ups and extra help.

Here is some feedback:

Study class highlights

study class highlights

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