Saturday, July 10, 2021

PEEL Strategy

  Last week my learners have been working on Analysis. I used PEEL, a literacy strategy to write Analysis.

What is PEEL's strategy?
- Point
-Explain/ Elaborate
- Link it to the population
At level one we focus on PEE only.

Step1-I gave them a frame with writing languages.
Here is the generic frame.


What you see

In my sample I noticed….    (comparison statement)


Give values  (statistics)

The evidence for this is….    (give the values to back it up)


Explain what it means

This means that        (what it means more generally)


(This part should be in the conclusion)

Link back to the population and context

Back in the population I would have expected

This confirms my initial about the population that….

This is surprising because back in the population….                    


Explanations sought to explain what has been identified features

Be specific about what you mean as the population




Median (or mean) comparison

·         Are they similar are different?


P: statement comparison position of medians in context

E: Median values and the difference to support previous statement

E: explain what it means about the situation. if one is significantly higher than the other then that group tends to have a greater...  



Size of the Middle 50% (Inter-quartile range)


P: do the groups have a similar or different spread (wider range) of the middle 50%

E: IQR of each group and the difference is the size of these

E: what does it mean about the groups

  If similar= similar variation of the central cluster.

  Boxes are small then more consistency in values

  Boxes are large then greater variation in values

  If different one group more consistent and less varied in middle 50%











Relative positions of the middle 50% (boxes)

·         One group is shifted further up/down the scale than other group.

·         The boxes do / do not overlap

·         The overlap is small / large


P: is there relatively large (small shift) or small (large shift) overlap between the boxes?                If there is a big overlap we can say the 2 data sets are quite similar

E: show and describe, with values, the shift: 50% vs 75%

E: Describe what it means, large overlap = similar measurements and central tendency

  Small overlap = one group tends to have higher/larger measurements than the other

Step2I did a close activity to write statements as my learners found it very challenging.









Range =Max - Min

Inter quartile range= UQ-Lq


I notice that the median ------- of the female/male sample is slightly higher/significantly higher /similar that the male/female ------ sample median.
This means that there is only a small/huge/no difference between the median ---------- for this sample. 
The median ---------------- for the female/males is ------ which is only -------- higher than the female/male  -------- median of --------kg.
IQR (Interquartile range)= upper quartile - lower quartile
I notice that the middle 50% of the -------- for each of the sample distributions have a slightly higher/significantly higher /similar spread.
The IQR for the male sample is ------ and the IQR for the female sample is --------which is only -------- higher than--------.
I notice that there is significant/slight/ no overlap between the male and female middle 50% of weight in this sample distribution. The LQ, median, UQ of the male sample is only slightly ---------------- than the female sample.
This indicates that there is not much/ huge difference between the ------------------------- of male and female students in this sample.
The male sample LQ has shifted -------- up the scale, the median has shifted --------------- up the scale and the UQ has shifted ---------------- up the scale.

Here is the learners' example- Link1Link 2 & Link3.

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