Sunday, August 7, 2022

Inquiry question 5/1

Algebra(As91026)I divided my class into two groups (external group and internal group) as mentioned in my previous blogThroughout the holiday classes I was teaching, listening and marking practice tests. From this, 
I identified three priority learning areas for students. The three areas are indicated on the flow chart with the
 respective implementation strategies.

This is the last term of teaching, mock exams are in week 7 and the MCAT exam is in week 8. It is paramount that 
I am able to implement effective strategies to improve these priority areas. I am confident that continual check ins 
on well being, practicing literacy strategies, focusing on time management (as this is an one hour examination) 
and harnessing technology to prepare lessons (work space, google jam-board and online teaching etc) will bring 
a better achievement to my learners. Link

will keep records of my learners' progress using a weekly progress sheet. 

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