Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tweak in teaching in due to covid-19.

Tweak in teaching in due to covid-19

After Term 1,week 8, I did a  tweak my teaching due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Learners access lessons via google meet, and here are a few of the tweaks:

All lessons are linked to Google calendar so we can easily access learners’ work.
Greater usage of Educational perfect and online tools like online calculator, Desmos, Geogebra and NZgrapher..
Learners got informed with instructions on how to work on google meet.
Tracking sheets are used effectively.
Following Lenva’s PowerPoint instructions that explained all online requirements.
Recording video lessons for rewindable learning that students could refer to.
All practice test/internals are now carried out online.
I found it very useful to use an online whiteboard to teach complicated questions so that students could follow along more easily.
Making use of student dashboard.


Week 9/ Term 1

Lesson description

Tracking sheet

Here is the progress after week 9(last column).

Next step: will continue term2.


  1. Thanks for sharing Lenva's Slides (must say I was surprised she was using PPT!)
    I would be interested in the link to your Site to see how this is all being led by the teacher.
    It looks like you are putting a lot of work in behind the scenes.

  2. It's always cool to see various elements of VTaL being applied by different staff. In particular, your use of Calendar posts and Tracking sheets to assist with student learning and achievement. This particular blog post resonates with me, with you combining the use of Education Perfect and Visible Teaching and Learning tools together in this lesson sequence, as it relates to what I am inquiring into this year with my Level 1 focus group. I will be interested to follow your journey, and share some of the ideas that we may both be experiencing with our learners.

  3. I always read your blog and get ideas too.Thank you Hinarau!


Year11 Reflection: