Monday, April 27, 2020

Practice and Revision 2.2 Graphs Ctd Term2

We started Term 2 in full swing with online teaching.
I gave all the learners' information and teaching content on my site. I planned to link every single lesson on the google calendar and record them so students could go back and rewind learning. It went very well, and I enjoyed acclimatising to this new way of teaching.
For the last two weeks, I have been working on practice tests with students, recording their progress on the tracking sheet, and then they did the final test last Friday.
So far, 14 students managed to finish the practice test successfully and 14 out of 22 students came online to do the internal. Most of them completed it and the rest stopped halfway due to technical issues.
I have decided to catch up with students after school hours and start planning the next topic next week (3). Those who failed to come online due to various reasons may continue after school hours if needed.
Through this journey my learners and I have made good progress as detailed below:
(1) Collaboration with whanau
(2) Leaners have more independent and are experiencing self-efficacy.
(3) No behavioral issues.
(4) Making use of online whiteboard(miro white board) when asked complicated questions and Algebraic questions.
(5) Effective online testing.
(6) Rewardable learning.
(7) An effective way of differentiation.
(8) Online feedback and marking the progress on a tracking sheet.
(9) My relationship with my learners was strengthened.
(10) I normally provide students with the Graphics calculator; however, they are currently locked in the classroom. Two students went online and bought calculators to sit the test with, which was really pleasing for me.
Student instruction

Tracking sheet

Next step: I will continue these pleasing learning progress with the next Trigonometry topic next week.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tweak in teaching in due to covid-19.

Tweak in teaching in due to covid-19

After Term 1,week 8, I did a  tweak my teaching due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Learners access lessons via google meet, and here are a few of the tweaks:

All lessons are linked to Google calendar so we can easily access learners’ work.
Greater usage of Educational perfect and online tools like online calculator, Desmos, Geogebra and NZgrapher..
Learners got informed with instructions on how to work on google meet.
Tracking sheets are used effectively.
Following Lenva’s PowerPoint instructions that explained all online requirements.
Recording video lessons for rewindable learning that students could refer to.
All practice test/internals are now carried out online.
I found it very useful to use an online whiteboard to teach complicated questions so that students could follow along more easily.
Making use of student dashboard.


Week 9/ Term 1

Lesson description

Tracking sheet

Here is the progress after week 9(last column).

Next step: will continue term2.

Monday, April 13, 2020

GO SOLO Apply graphical methods in solving problems AS91257 (2.2 )

GO SOLO Apply graphical methods in solving problems AS91257 (2.2 )

Using SOLO taxonomy involves learners to differentiate their own learning and makes the
process behind learning explicit. It highlights the difference between surface and deep understanding, helping students understand where they are on that spectrum, and what
they need to do to progress.
My learners found SOLO taxonomy very useful to understand the NCEA breakdown A/M/E.

At least two graph sketched
Equations written
Domain stated
Range stated
Two features described for each
Transformation described

At least three graph sketched
Equations written
Domain stated
Range stated
Two features described for each and interpreted
Transformation described

At least two graph sketched with pronumerals
Equations written
Domain stated
Range stated

Next step: Tweak in teaching in due to covid-19.

Plan for AS91257 (2.2 ) Apply graphical methods in solving problems

Plan for AS91257 (2.2 ) Apply graphical methods in solving problems (Internal 4 credits)

Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence

·       Apply graphical methods in solving problems.
·  Apply graphical methods, using extended abstract thinking, in solving problems.
·       Apply differentiation methods, using extended abstract thinking, in solving problems.

This is the second topic and will be taught between week 6 to week 11 as seen in the year planner. I have been working through Graphical methods (2.2, Internal) with my 12MAA.
This topic is a combination of Algebraic skills and contextual based questions with piecewise graphs. I am very excited to dive deeper into this topic because it is the first time I am teaching through solving and working through contextual based questions. Even though it is a challenging topic, I am very confident this will give students a concrete foundation towards the calculus pathway.
I got student input on how to teach this topic and after discussion with my students. I made the following planning decisions:
Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.
Spending more time on Algebraic skills, forming equations and applications.
“Do now” questions every day to work on Algebraic skills.
Focusing on interpretation of questions and key words. Mrs Latu will assist by translating wordy questions for one of Tongan ESOL students and Dr janni Van Hees will assist in tackling complicated contextual questions.
I have made a booklet to meet all the learners’ need.
Tracking sheet will be used to track their progress.
Continuing my study classes on Wednesdays and Fridays (after school hours.)
Halfway through each topic, I will give students a KWL chart to facilitate better learning.
At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the students to get better insight on their strengths and weaknesses in order to organise a resit if needed.
For Excellence level students, I will be focusing on forming a generalisation using correct mathematical statements and communicating mathematical insight.

Next step: Apply SOLO taxonomy to graphical methods in solving problems AS91257 (2.2 ).

Tracking sheet

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Begin to collect evidence and data and come to the next session ready to share your preliminary findings of the nature and extent of the student challenge i.e. using your baseline student data and evidence.

TAI2020WRFC Inquiry question#4: 

Ethnicity: I have collected ethnicity breakdown from kamar.
There are 23 learners; 3 Maori students(13%), 10 Tongan students(44%), 5 Samoan students(22%), 3 Cook Island Maori(15%), 1 Pakeha(4%) and 1 Asian(4%). This class has great diversity and last year only one of these students endorsed with Merit.

As seen below, the 2019 Data shows that learners sat two externals (Algebra and Graphs). It says one learner gained Merit endorsement, eight learners passed Algebra, three learners passed the second externals and the rest of the learners passed neither. From the baseline, I understand there are lots of Algebraic skills and bridging the knowledge work needed to cope up with year 12 work. I only took external results into consideration as they are more challenging than internal credits and give a view of standards nationally.

As I look at my preliminary results, it is clear there are 4 types of learning levels in this class. The challenge will be catering to all these groups of learners.

Describe the tools/measures/approaches you plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to that challenge. Justify why you chose these approaches and tools.

TAI2020WRFC Inquiry question#3: 

My Inquiry focus for 2020 is: Accelerating learning in my Year 12 calculus mix ability class so that Maori students (and other students) can gain at least 14 credits, endorsements, and pathways into the year13 Calculus course. This will be done by focusing on Algebraic skills and literacy strategies to facilitate success in contextually based questions. Why? The key successes in calculus are about mastering Algebra and interpretation of questions. Students must understand the Algebraic language which has already started, for most of them, from the primary level. The challenge, with this, is students come from various levels and backgrounds of algebraic knowledge. Due to the various algebraic levels, teaching is challenging and therefore I need to cater teaching to all levels to ensure they have a good basis. Another key issue is addressing careless mistakes. The key is to practice Merit and Excellence questions, which are not skill-based and more contextual based questions. Learners often fail to apply knowledge from reading and writing lessons to maths lessons and so this needs to be encouraged. Therefore, I strongly believe that if I underpin the key ideas of algebra and contextual question practice, I can shift their progress. The problem to be solved: This is a mix ability class of 23 consisting of; 3 Maori students, 10 Tongan students, 5 Samoan students, 3 Cook Island Maori, 1 Pakeha and 1 Asian. This class has great diversity and last year only two of these students endorsed with merit. There are four different types of learners in this class. One group is working at the Achieved level, the second group is working at the Merit level, the third group is working at the Excellence level and the other group is working below the Achieved level. My tools and measures are: • Data: Past years’ NCEA results from Kamar/NZQA web site to compare the shift, comparison with the national norm and PAT if needed. • Teacher observation: To test their confidence, work ethic and knowledge. • Student voice: Questionnaire using google forms, KWL chart, videos and Blogging. • Planning: Every topic according to SOLO taxonomy. • Topic Reflection: Every topic to compare strength, pattern and shift. • Test-Pre-test: halfway test, Tests. • Reading tools: To apply knowledge from reading and writing lessons to maths lessons. • Resource sheet: For internals.
My approaches are: • Using workbooks for differentiated teaching. • Everyday ‘Do Now’ with Algebraic questions. • Work with Dr. Jannie Van Hees and Mrs. Latu to help students unpack contextual questions. • Pre-test, Halfway test, End of Topic Test, Mid-year examination and Mock examinations for external topics. These tests will help to find out; what learner has achieved, what has not been achieved, and what the student requires to best facilitate further progress. • Formative assessments and practice tests for internally assessed topics, to help in gaining internal credits. • Student feedback for every topic to improve learners' work ethic and engagement - using google forms, KWL chart, Blogging, and videos. • After school tutorials and holiday programs to bridge the gap in Algebraic skills and wordy problems. • Promote Mathematical literacy/reading in class to understand the Merit/ Excellence questions to obtain better outcomes. • Teaching SOLO taxonomy to understand the breakdown of Achievement, Merit and Excellence in NCEA to gain endorsements. • Mentoring- Bringing in guest speakers, past students for motivational talks. • Attending Career Expos to promote meaningful vocational pathways. • Using workspace and videos to set effective lessons to revise and review the lessons before the examinations. • Using literacy strategies to understand respond and answer questions, Using the Chunk Check Chew, KWL for all topics and Differentiated teaching.

Year11 Reflection: