Saturday, April 27, 2024

Open day activitics

 Tamaki College had our open day last term. My learners had the privilege to present Geogebra activities, Robotics, and games. Here is the ppt.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Inquiry question3- PartB


My learners have completed three topics so far here is the evidence:

(1) Organise the workspace -

(2)SOLO taxonomy- Link

(3) Term-by-term reflection- Link.

(4) Study classes, Holiday classes, and whanu engagement -Link.

(5) Learner Voice- Link.

(6) Ethnicity breakdown -Link

(7) NCEA results from previous years- Link

(8) Collaboration with Epsom Girls' Grammer- Link

(9) Working with literacy specialist-Link & Link2

(10) Career pathway planning- Link

Inquiry Question3- PartA

My tools, measures, and approaches are:

(1) Organise the workspace with video lessons, practice tests, and formative tests- It helped me to promote a flipped classroom approach/Rewindable learning.

(2)SOLO taxonomy- It helped with my planning and a deeper understanding of Achievement, Merit, and Excellence for learners.

(3) Term by term reflection- to track learners' progress.

(4) Study classes, Holiday classes, and whanu engagement -for extension and fill the missed lessons.

(5) Learners voice- For effective planning and promote self-directed learning.

(6) Ethnicity breakdown -Increases cultural awareness and sensitivity and encourages empathy and understanding of the learner.

(7) NCEA results from previous years- For differentiated teaching.

(8) Collaboration with Epsom Girls' Grammer- for an extension for experts.

(9) Literacy Strategy- Mark Milford and Dr. Janni can be an excellent opportunity to improve my practice.

(10) Career pathway planning- to reach their dream goals.

Extra for experts

 A group of students, working faster than the deadline, wanted me to do an additional internal(3.10, 4 credits) as an extension. They came during the holidays too. This internal is also currently undergoing marking/ moderation. 

Holiday study class

Collaboration with Epsom Girls' Grammer:

One of the learners is very eager to do the year 13 Statistics scholarship, so I reached out to, Dr. Marion Steel(Director of the Mathematics department) from Epsom Girls' Grammer, she graciously visited to assist in planning the scholarship program and agreed to provide support. Additionally, she brought along some resources. Here are the materials.

Term1 Reflection

 My learners have completed both internals for the first topic, achieving 3 credits. The second topic is currently undergoing marking/moderation.

Here is the breakdown:

3.15 Internal went well 6 learners gained Excellence, 3 learners gained Merit, and the remainder gained Achievement. Flipping classroom in effective, learners found my video lessons valuable and are progressing well toward university entrance.

Student voice:

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Go SOLO As91582 (3.10) Formal Inference

SOLO taxonomy helps learners to identify between Achievement/ Merit/ Excellence.

Here is the breakdown:

Go SOLO As91580 (3.8) Time series


I found SOLO taxonomy used to enhance teaching, learning, assessment, and curriculum design.

My learners found this useful to reach their desired grades.

Open day activitics