Thursday, November 16, 2023

Burst and Bubbles 2023

My inquiry focus is on the Year 12 Statistics class to enable 
and progress learners’ Statistical capability through an explicit 
focus on reading comprehension and guided writing responses.
 My personal goal is that as an Assistant HOD, I want to increase
 learners’ Mathematics achievement in years 12 and 13. This goal 
will make a powerful contribution towards the School, Department, 
and Manaiakalani goals.
I identified this as my focus when I realized that facilitating a 
Year 12 Statistics course leads to  Year 13 Statistics, which,  strengthens 
the career pathway in health science and their desired pathway.
To build a rich picture of my learners' learning, I utilized student voice, topic tests , and PAT results. This is a mixed-ability class of 14 students: 3 Samoans, 6 Tongans, 2 Cook Island Maori,1 Niuean, 1 Maori, and 1 Asian.

Last year's NCEA result shows, six students came from the Statistical
pathway and the rest came from other pathways.

To build a rich picture of my learners' learning, I utilized student voice, 
topic tests , and PAT results.

This is a mixed-ability class of 14 students: 3 Samoans, 6 Tongans, 

2 Cook Island Maori,1 Niuean, 1 Maori, and 1 Asian. 

Last year's NCEA  result shows, six students came from the Statistical 

pathway and the rest came from other pathways.

This course consists of five internal assessments and one external 

assessment. I have divided the students into two groups: the first group of

 12 learners focused on internal and external, while the second group of 

2 learners focused on internal only.

The profiling of my teaching has shown that I have strengths in teaching 
Statistics. However, if I were to further develop their skills in reading 
comprehension, writing responses, promoting rewind,  frequent monitoring
- using the verb monitor, recording and tweaking whanau engagement, and 
of course chat GPT I can reach my dream goal.

The changes I made in my teaching included implementing the SOLO taxonomy,
 using a voice recorder, applying the Tapasa framework, utilizing PEEL structures,
 engaging in professional reading, using the Chunk Chew Check strategy for external
transition teacher ownership to student ownership, using Think Loud strategies,
 incorporating the ViTaL sheet, utilizing Google Jamboard, creating video lessons,
 offering career pathway guidance, and providing study classes. 

Dr Janni, Kerry Boyd, Marc Milford, and Matt Goodwin  helped me to make 
these changes.

The challenge is teaching Statistics to those who haven’t Statistics before as 
Year 12 is a huge jump., and maintaining the deadline.

Qualitative shift- Problem solving, well-being, and growth mindset.

Quantitative shift-  all the learners have completed all the internal with 

14 credits and completed externals with 100% attendance(12/12). First time 

I taught Year 12 Statistics at Tamaki and I enjoyed it too. feel free to view my blog,

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

week1 to week5 Montoring

 I have been monitoring my learners very carefully during this term and they have been working hard during class, after school as well as on Saturdays to improve their grades. Today they had their examinations and attendance was 100% (12/12)and they were happy about the examinations. I put them into three groups, one group was working toward Excellence, the second group was working on Merit, and the third group was towards achievement.  They have completed their internals with 14 credits and will be waiting for external examination results to finalize the endorsements.

Here is the tracking sheet- Link

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Inquiry question(6)


(1) Key changes are environmental, educational, motivational, and social factors that influence learning factors. 
(2)/(3) Key shift- My learners have completed their internals and working towards external topic.
There are five internals and one external.
Topic1 Coordinate Geometry-Reflection 1
Topic2 Trigonometry - Reflection 2
Topic3 Statistical Inference - Reflection 3
Topic 4 Statistical Experiments -Reflection 4
Topic 5 Systems of Equations-Reflection 5
Internal: Reflection

External: Reflection

Causal chain- If I work on the above factors I can reach my dream goal.

  • SOLO taxonomy-Link 

  • Personalized learning.

  • Motivation

  • Frequent monitoring- Learning, well being-Running record-Monitoring, recording, and tweaking.

  • Rewindable learning- making study notes, video, audio.

  • Chunk check chew strategy- Teacher ownership to Student ownership.

  • Study classes to close the gaps.

  • Career promotion-Career Pathways Expo.

  • Student voice-

  • Whanau engagement-

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Plan Plan for Term4/Monitoring CTD

 My learners will be sitting their external examination on the 8th of November. There are 10 lessons left from today.

I started my Monitoring last term and it was productive as the derived grade examination results are impressive,  therefore  I am going to continue this term as well.

Here is the link.

Friday, September 22, 2023


 We had the privilege to present our CoL Inquiry at Tamaki College this week, Here is my part,

Thursday, September 21, 2023

As 91269 Systems of equations Reflection(5) & week9/10 Monitoring

 There are five internals in this course, here is the final internal update including the last internal reflection:

Most of them have gained 14 credits and worked hard toward the Derived grade examination this week at school. 

week 9/10 Monitoring- here is the record Link and they agreed come during the holidays to rewind their learning.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Monitoring continued week7 and 8

 My learners have been working towards the derived grade examination. I have getting feedback weekly basis to improve my teaching practice to enhance their learning. I found Chunk Chew more effective in transferring Teacher ownership to student ownership. My learners are trying the visual way by writing on the whiteboard, the Aural way by recording their answers, and the kinesthetic way by teaching in the classroom.

Here is the week 7Feedback:

week8 feedback:

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Chunk Check Chew strategy(CCC's) by Kathleen Kryza

 My learners are putting in a lot of effort to prepare for mock examinations. Last week, I began the revision process. I discovered that Chunk Check Chew is extremely beneficial for preparing for the mock examinations.

What is the Chunk Check Chew strategy?

Chunk -This involves breaking down study materials into smaller, manageable " chunks". Focusing on smaller pieces of information at a time can make learning more manageable and help prevent from overwhelmed.

Chew- Students process their answers in different ways. Group discussions and whiteboards.

Check-Students show their outputs-Show and tell?


Subject Pathways Expo 2023

 Here are the Subject Pathways Expo details for Mathematics. I found the information extremely useful to motivate my learners towards examinations.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

SOLO taxonomy As91267(2.12) -Probability methods

 I found the SOLO taxonomy to be extremely useful for differentiated teaching, as well as my own for my own learning.

Candidates who were awarded Achievement for this standard demonstrated the required skills and knowledge. They commonly:
• calculated probabilities or percentages using either Normal Distribution Tables or a Graphics calculator
• calculated probabilities using Probability Tree Diagrams
• calculated probabilities or proportions from the information presented in contingency tables.
In addition to the skills and knowledge required for the award of Achievement, candidates who were awarded Achievement with Merit commonly:
• inverse normal distribution problems.
• applied calculated probabilities or proportions to determine the expected value for a situation and gave the answer as a whole number for a discrete situation
• compared features of a sample distribution with a Normal Distribution by partially describing 
similarities/differences using correct statistical terms
• calculated probabilities for multiple events using Probability Tree Diagrams
• could set up and solve a linear probability equation.
In addition to the skills and knowledge required for the award of Achievement with Merit, candidates who were awarded Achievement with Excellence commonly:
• applied their understanding of inverse Normal Probability situations to find an unknown parameter 
(e.g. could find a new mean or standard deviation)
• could compare in depth the features of a sample distribution with a Normal Distribution by fully describing similarities/differences using correct statistical terms
• found a conditional probability for an event using either an extended probability tree diagram or conditional probability rule
• determined relative risks and drew a conclusion relating to a claim about the events occurring

Saturday, August 19, 2023

As 91265 Experiments Reflection(4)

 I have reviewed the outcome, and my learners have found it to be more manageable. This version appears to be a more gentle approach to Ads91269(2.9), which they have already completed.

Here is the final update

Most of them reached 12 credits, Last internal( 2.14 Systems of Equations) under moderation and my learners are working hard towards external examinations.

Here is last week's monitoring Link: Progress indicated by smiley face and well being rated from 1 to 5.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Enquiry question(5)

Causal Chain:

At our last CoL teachers meeting, we discussed the importance of a causal chain to make the inquiry more effective.

A causal chain is when a cause leads to an effect and that effect becomes the cause of another effect.

A leads to B. B leads to C. C leads to D.

Any intervention you design will (consciously or not) be based on a causal chain you have in mind - this is your theory of action.

A causal chain is the path of influence running from a root cause to the problem. Each link in the chain represents something in the real problem.

Tweak-Causal Chain and external focus:
The time has come to aim for the prize. My learners' strong performance in the internal assessments has provided them with a solid foundation. By concentrating on excelling on external examinations, they are positioning themselves for an endorsement. This will acknowledge their current capability and set them up for future success. Also guiding them as they prepare for the externals exams, maximizing their chances of achieving the desired outcome. 
Here is my causal chain, this tweak may change over time.

I have planned to monitor their progress learning and well-being weekly by surveying learners/ whanau and maintaining a running record with smiley faces. Here is the link

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Mathe week

 We are celebrating Maths Week at Tamaki College this week.

Here are "Year 9 challenges"

Monday Challenge:

Tuesday Challenge:

Wednesday Challenge:

Thursday Challenge:


Saturday, August 5, 2023

External topic Term3-As91267 Probability methods

 As91267(2.12) Probability methods -External -4 credits

My learners have completed all the internals and stepped into external last week.

What are Probability methods? This involves Probability fundamentals, Probability models, Condition probability, Expected probability, Statistical Inference, and Problem-solving. This will be assessed through the end-of-year examination(8/11/2023) and learners will sit the derived grade examination during week 10.

Here is the plan:

  • Applying SOLO taxonomy provides a deeper understanding, higher order thinking, and assessing student learning outcomes. It improves teacher practice and enhances student achievement.
  • Check list.
  • Chunk check chew strategy.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Monitoring.
  • Peer teaching
  • Workspace and Google Calendar.
  • Study classes
  • Making videos by learners.
  • Using will be using Walker's textbook.
  • NZQA past paper

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Inquiry question(4) Part3


Next steps:

My learners have been working with fifth internals(short one) and will be moving to external soon. By implementing these next steps and constantly monitoring progress for externals, I am confident that my teaching practice will continue to evolve and positively impact my students' learning outcomes, The intervention will be a testament to my commitment to continual improvement and dedication to providing educational experience for all my learners.

Intervention :

Inquiry question (4) Part2


What is my  Inquiry:  

Year 12 Statistics(12Mas) class to enable and progress learners’ statistical capability through an explicit focus on reading comprehension and guided writing responses.

This goal provides gaining 14+ credits to the pathway into year 12 using literacy strategies and reading comprehension.

Why 14+ credits? This is a partial qualification to diploma entry-level, department, and school goals.

According to my year planner, there are five internals and one external. My learners have completed the four internal during the holiday break and working on the fifth internals.

Here is my reflection so far:

Quantitative analysis:

Reflection 1-Link

Reflection 2-Link

Reflection 3-Link

Reflection 4 - under moderation/marking at the moment.

Qualitative analysis:

Student voice -Link

Here is the current update:

There are 14 learners in this class, 13 of them have gained 9 credits and one learner has gained 2 credits as he has just joined the class. The fourth is under marking and moderation will publish the results soon.
13 of them have submitted and one did with the other teacher as he is a new arrival to my class.

Year11 Reflection: