Saturday, July 22, 2023

Inquiry question (4) Part2


What is my  Inquiry:  

Year 12 Statistics(12Mas) class to enable and progress learners’ statistical capability through an explicit focus on reading comprehension and guided writing responses.

This goal provides gaining 14+ credits to the pathway into year 12 using literacy strategies and reading comprehension.

Why 14+ credits? This is a partial qualification to diploma entry-level, department, and school goals.

According to my year planner, there are five internals and one external. My learners have completed the four internal during the holiday break and working on the fifth internals.

Here is my reflection so far:

Quantitative analysis:

Reflection 1-Link

Reflection 2-Link

Reflection 3-Link

Reflection 4 - under moderation/marking at the moment.

Qualitative analysis:

Student voice -Link

Here is the current update:

There are 14 learners in this class, 13 of them have gained 9 credits and one learner has gained 2 credits as he has just joined the class. The fourth is under marking and moderation will publish the results soon.
13 of them have submitted and one did with the other teacher as he is a new arrival to my class.

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