Friday, April 15, 2022

Term one Celebration/Update

As91026(1.1) Number and As91035(1.7)Trigonometry


21 learners have gained 7 credits and on the last day we celebrated with cup cakes!

1.6 Geometrical reasoning(External):

We continued with online lessons this week using Miro online board andApple pencil. My learners agreed to come during the first week of the holiday for additional online/face to face  lessons.



As 91032(1.7) Trigonometry Evaluation

 My learners continued to work hard and completed their second topic last week. I found workspace beneficial in managing the test. 

Here are the results 

There are 26 learners in this class and 21 of the learners completed the internal. They continued to work hard in order to achieve the results. 4 learners gained Excellence, 13 learners gained Merit and 4 gained Achievement. Four of them are still working on the first internal and another learner will be returning next term only.

This topic is combination of Trigonometry, Pythagoras and practical measuring. I am using a combination of SOLO taxonomy, ViTal sheet, workspace, study classes , KWL strategy and wellbeing check ins. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

As91026(1.1) Number topic Evaluation

The first topic of this year was Number which was taught before I started my inquiry. During this time, we had our the Omicron peak so there were many disturbances to the class. Almost 50% of students attended online class during lock down.

There are 26 learners in the class and 21 learners successfully completed the topic with 4 credits in mid March and the rest are still working towards completion. I found workspace very useful in doing testing and follow up activities. 

Real testing

21 students have gained 4 credits with 7 attaining Excellence, 7 attaining Merit and 4 attaining Achievement. This is a testament to their resilience during unprecedented times and keeping connected via ViTaL sheet, conversations with the whanau, Workspace, online extra support and wellbeing checks. 
Group 1 and Group 2 learners have completed the assessment (except one student with a valid reason who will be returning only next term). These learners will be sitting either 3 externals papers or 2 external papers. 4 learners have decided to focus on Numeracy (10 credits) and not sit externals. These students require extra support and I have offered them time for catch ups and extra help.

Here is some feedback:

Study class highlights

study class highlights

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Well being check

I decided to make a wellbeing check as a 'Do Now' activity to check in on how the students are doing during this challenging time. Below is an overview from the check: 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Miro online board

 Last Wednesday I used Miro online board to teach Circular Geometry and used Apple pencil rather than using fingers,I found it useful for the tricky topic to teach online. Also I have using  Apple pencils with DocHub and Google Jamboard as well. Thank you Tereora Academy for providing us.

Here are some highlights

Here is the students feedback,

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Online learning

 1.6 Geometrical reasoning(External)

Every Wednesday and Friday after school (online), I teach the students Geometrical reasoning and it is going really well. Last week, I did Circular Geometry using the Google Jam board and the drawing function. I am also planning to continue using Circular Geometry as it has a pen for drawing alongside Doc hub too. My learners found it useful with workspace to rewind their learning and they used ViTaL sheet to track their progress.

Miro online board was also extremely useful to diagram etc.

 Google jamboard and Miro online board enabled greater interaction with the teacher and peers and ViTal sheet allowed me to track their work. I always make sure my learners interact socially and use enough equipment and pedagogical practices.

Year11 Reflection: