Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Inquiry Question#5-1,2,3



Plan and conduct a detailed inquiry into specific aspects of your current teaching that are relevant to the hypotheses you identified in the literature. Inquiring into your teaching should give you:
Formative information about your current strengths and areas for development
Baseline information that you can use at the end of the year to provide evidence of shifts in teaching

use multiple tools such as self- or peer-observations, analysis of your class site, student's voice.

My learners have completed three internals now. Fourteen learners have gained 11 credits,
one learner has gained  8 credits, six have gained 7 credits, and one has gained 4 credits.
In order to pass   NECA L1, everyone must gain Numeracy (10 credits). Therefore fourteen
learners have gained Numeracy. The huge effort made by learners to achieve since their PAT under
four or four. Mrs. Singh (HOD Mathematics) will be observing this class very soon.
Tweak Tweak:
This is an internal-based course. Having said that, I noticed three of them have
gained M/E throughout the year so I have moved them to an External based course and
brought three of them down from the External course to internal who aren't performing.


Write a reflection in which you summarise your main learning about your teaching and the next steps. This will prepare you to design an intervention next time.
Present findings from this inquiry about your teaching. Ensure qualitative data includes rich descriptions of your teaching and quantitative data is clearly presented.

Qualitative data: I make conversations while I teach and during study class times. Also, I took them to lead Learn Create Share PD and made a movie for the movie festival. As a result, they are very settled in class and agreed to take Mathematics as mathematics is optional next year too.

Quantitative data: See the data above. Now most of them have gained their Numeracy next challenge is to move to 16 credits to pass NCEA L1 who have gained 11 cerdits and the rest of the class to get at least Numeracy.


 Write a reflection in which you summarise your main learning about your teaching and the next steps. This will prepare you to design an intervention next time.

My learners' have completed three internals, now my challenge is how to finish the last two internals during


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