Saturday, May 1, 2021

Evaluation As91026(1.1) Number


Trends and learners' voice: 
I have just finished our marking, moderation on this internal. 
Dr. Janni helped me with unpacking ideas and Mrs. Latu spent lots of time translating the practice test into the Tongan language.
19 students gained Achieved, 1 gained Merits, two of the gained Excellence, and two of them are still working on the task as they are ESOL students. 
Dr Yanee’s strategies worked too and I am going to continue to work with her to get better grades for the next topics.
There is a shift in the learners’ achievement in comparison to their PAT results. I noticed that there is a huge shift in their work ethic and have become independent learners too.  Learners and I have been worked hard to fill two years' gap within 8 weeks' time as their PAT results were from2-4. Lots of extra after-school time got spent. I am confident that I can move this forward as these learners have become very cooperative and positive towards learning. 
Definitely, these four credit Achievement Standard is going to contribute towards Numeracy credits.

According to the student's voice, they also found the task really interesting

Next step: Plan for the second topic Trigonometry

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