Sunday, June 25, 2023

Working with Marc Milford

 I caught up with Marc Milford last week to upgrade my literacy skills. Marc helped me how to use the think-the-loud strategy to identify different types of graphs and match the graphs with the equations as learners find it challenging to identify the shapes and equations as they are not familiar.

Here are the instructions:

First, ask if it is a Straight line and then match it with straight-line equations.

Second, ask if it is a Parabloa and then match it with the Parabolic equations.

Third, ask if it is a circle and then match it with the circle equations.

Fourth, ask if it is a hyperbola and then match it with the hyperbolic equation.

I am planning to try it with my learners next week and he also suggested using real-life examples to make the topic more meaningful.

Miro online board

 What is Miro? Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform allowing collaboration, brainstorming, and organizing ideas visually. It provides a virtual canvas where learners can work together in real-time, regardless of their physical location.

How to use Miro online board- Here are the instructions. Link

I used this Miro online board as a matching activity to recognize the different types of graphs and general equations. Learners really enjoyed it and engagement was very high.

Third topic Term2-Systems of Equations

 2.14 Systems of equations -Internal -2 credits

My learners have completed the fourth internals; this is the fifth(last) internal and third topic for term 2, worth 2 credits and the internal assessment will be next term.

What are Systems of equations? This is a short standard that assesses a student's ability to solve a pair of equations Algebraically or graphically. For the graphical method, desmos graphing calculator can be used.

  • Applying SOLO taxonomy provides a deeper understanding, higher order thinking, and assessing student learning outcomes. It improves teacher practice and enhances student achievement.
  • Vocabulary for the introduction.
  • Reading comprehension- 
  • ViTaL sheet.
  • Peer teaching- Made them into groups and worked on the whiteboard to build confidence.
  • Workspace and Google Calendar.
  • Literacy strategy-PEE structure.
  • Study classes
  • Desmos Graphing calculator to draw and recognize the graphs.
  • Working with Marc Milford for literacy strategies.
  • Think loud strategy-Marc Milford.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Colloboration Colloboration

 My learners are busy gathering data to work on their practice tests and the real test. My class is working with the year 12mat class to get a larger sample. Larger sample sizes generally offer more reliable and accurate results in Statistical analysis. The research shows instead of asking to work on old data, even though it is real, better for them to generate their own data. 

Practice test- Comparing the number of jelly beans picked using chopsticks versus fingers. Here are the data.

And My learners did pulse rate versus exercise for the real test.

Monday, June 12, 2023


  We had the privilege to present our CoL Inquiry at at Tamaki College today, Here is my part,

Friday, June 9, 2023

As 91259 Trigonometry Reflection(3)

 I have moderated and here are the outcomes:

There are 13 learners in the classroom. 5 learners have gained Excellence,  4 learners have gained Merit, 3 learners have gained Achievement, and one more learner work on progress.

Here is the final update:

Monday, June 5, 2023

Jellybean experiment

 During the last lesson, my learners enjoyed working on the Jelly beans experiment. Here is the details of the lesson. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

SOLO taxonomy As91265(2.10) -Conduct an experiment to investigate a situation using statistical methods.


The Solo Taxonomy model helps learners to understand and think when analyzing statistical experiments. The framework guides to identify the areas of improvement and moves toward high-level thinking to gain higher-level grades.

Year11 Reflection: