Thursday, February 23, 2023

Inquiry question#1(Part1)

 I have been working with year 11 ( lower and top band), Year 12, and year 13 calculus pathways over 
past years so this year I have decided to turn my inquiry to work on the Statistical pathway. 

Our school goal for this year:

Goal 1: Maori Achievement
To raise Maori student achievement and cultural visibility.  
That 85% of Maori students will achieve NCEA Level 2.                                                                                                                                              
Goal 2: Pasifika Achievement       
To understand and demonstrate the cultural competencies of Tapasā.  
85% of Pasifika students will achieve NCEA Level 2. 

Goal 3: Literacy and Numeracy
By the end of Year 10, 80% of students will be reading at or above the expected level
By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are writing at or above the expected Curriculum Level.
By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected 
Curriculum Level
That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Literacy.
That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.

Goal 4: Student Wellbeing
Increasing Student, Family, and Community Engagement with Schools Student Support Network.

Goal 5: Staff Wellbeing
Staff at Tamaki College will be well supported so that their practice meets the needs of our students.
Our Mathematics Department goal for this year is:
Goal 1: By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected 
Curriculum Level (PAT: stanine 4-6 or higher). 

Goal 2 That at least 80% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.

Goal 3: 60% of Year 12 Pacifica students will achieve 14+ credits

Goal 4: 60% of Year 12 Maori students will achieve 14+ credits

Goal 5: Year 13s to leave college with sufficient Maths skills to get into their chosen vocational pathway.

As an assistant HOLA,  my goal is to raise achievement in year12 and year 13. By looking at above 
goals, I have decided to focus on year 12 students to make a powerful contribution to my school’s 
goals, the department’s goals, and my Inquiry goal.

I spoke to 3 members of middle management, the Deputy Principal, and Dr Jannie to discuss 
my inquiry. I will be working with all these people and below are some considerations they 
provided me.

After meeting the above leaders I feel inspired to take on this inquiry.

My Inquiry 2023
Year 12(Level 2) Statistics(12Mas) class to enable and progress learners’ statistical capability
through an explicit focus on reading comprehension and guided writing responses.

This goal provides a strong pathway into year 13 using reading skills and guided writing 
responses.I am confident this Inquiry will make a powerful contribution toward the school goal, 
Department goal, and Manaiakalni goal.

 HOLA Mathematics:
Collaboration with the department.
Sharing blogs and Literacy strategies.
A powerful contribution to the department's goals.
Sharing resources.
Maori learners’ achievement and career pathways.
Pacifica learners’ achievement and career pathways.
Promoting the Hybrid learning model.
Deputy Principal
Pacifica and Maori learners' L2 achievement.
Achieving in Mathematics and choosing the year13 Statistical pathway is a contribution to student 
Sharing ideas is powerful for teacher well-being.
Maori learners' identity and career pathway.
Whanau Dean: Puriri/TIC History/CoL across the school
Meeting the learners' pastoral needs.
Meeting the learners’ well-being.  
Collaboration with the Social science department.        

 Ms. Dorothy Apelu: HOLA Social sciences and CoL within the school.
Tapasa framework
Collaboration with the Social science department.

Dr. Jannie Van Hees
Reading skills and guided writing response.
After meeting the above leaders I feel inspired to take on this inquiry.

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Year11 Reflection: