Monday, October 10, 2022

Holiday program/Term3 Reflection

Last week my learners attended school from Monday to Friday to work towards their exams and internals.

Here is the progress of those who attended the holiday study classes. They managed to bring me any

doubts they had regarding content and completed their internals.

Here is the final update for the term.

Internal credits: There are 27 learners in the class.  21 learners gained their numeracy, 15 of them got 14 credits and the rest are working towards achieving 14 credits as this is the maximum for the year.

External credits:There are 3 externals for this program. 1.2 Algebra( MCAT) has been successfully completed by 20 learners. 1.3 Tables and graphs and 1.6 Geometrical reasoning assessments will be held on the 10th of November. 21 learners will be sitting 1.3 tables and graphs and 7 students will be sitting 1.6 geometrical reasoning.

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Year11 Reflection: