Sunday, July 10, 2022

End of term reflection

 My learners have been working with 1.4 Linear Algebra, eighteen of them completed their last internal and rest of them agreed to come during the holiday break to complete. My learners found it useful with keywords  using google jam-board to understand the contextual base questions. Tweak: I continued catching up with after school this week too.

There are 4 internals and 3 externals in this course.Most of my learners have completed their last internal this week and we are going to start external prep next term.One of the external real exam(MCAT-1.2 Algebra) exam will be next term and rest of them will be on Term4. I discussed with my learners with dates and external contents. The external topics are 1.6 Geometrical reasoning, 1.3 tables and graphs and 1.2 Algebra(MCAT).  There are four different  level of learners  in this class, first group will going for 3 external, second group will be going for 2 external , third group will be going for one external and fourth will be focussing on internals only. My challenge is how to cater for every 28 learners in this class. 

Credits update

Credits remains the same as last week as the last internals is under marking. Here is the feedback from my learners.


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Year11 Reflection: