Monday, March 28, 2022

Planning for Term

Term one plan:

I have divided this class into three different groups depending on their working levels.

The first group is working above the level, the second is working at the level and the last group is

working below the level. We started teaching the first topic (Number) at the start of the term and

completed it right before the Omicron peak. Some students have not completed the testing and so

I will finish this with them depending on their availability. In week 5, I started the second

topic (Trigonometry) and I will be doing the testing this week (9). Currently I am doing multi

level teaching depending on what the students have completed.

There are three externals in this programme. One of the externals will be taught online on

Wednesdays after school for selected students according to their willingness. 

Number As91026(1.1) (4 credits, Internal):

  • Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.

  •  KWL strategy.

  • ViTaL sheet/teacher dashboard.

  • Peer teaching.

  • Workspace for differentiated teaching and testing.

  • Using Google calendar to set lessons and video the lesson for rewinding purposes.

  • Weekly conversation with the Whanau to make strong connections and student voice.

  • Google jamboard, DocHub and Miro online board.

  • At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the learners to get their strength.

Trigonometry As91032(1.7) (3 credits, Internal): 

  • Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.

  • Spending more time on Practical measurement and contextual-based questions.

  •  KWL strategy.

  • ViTaL sheet/teacher dashboard.

  • Using Google calendar to set lessons and video the lesson for rewinding purposes.

  • Extra classes if needed.

  •  Peer teaching.

  • At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the students to build their confidence.

  • Google jamboard, DocHub and Miro online board.

  • Operating in a hybrid system.

  • Weekly conversation with the Whanau to make strong connections and student voice.

  • At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the students to build their confidence.

Geometrical Reasoning  As91031(1.6) (4 credits, External): 

  • SOLO taxonomy to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.

  •   Workspace for differentiated teaching and testing.

  • ViTaL sheet/teacher dashboard.

  •  Using Google calendar to set lessons and video the lesson for rewinding purposes.

  • On Wednesday after school only since week2/Term1.

  • Google jamboard, DocHub and Miro online board.

  • Walker text book for further practice.

  • Check, Chunk, Chew strategy.

  • Weekly conversation with the Whanau to make strong connections and student voice.

  • NZQA past papers.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My Inquiry question #1-Part 2

WFRC#(1-1,2) Describe how and why you have selected this challenge

of student learning. Locate your inquiry in the context of patterns of student learning in Manaiakalani overall.


Last year my inquiry aimed to raise the achievement of year 11 students in a lower ability

class and raise the achievement of Maori students. We did this by taking a focus on literacy strategies and doing repetitive skills practices. I trialled a variety of literacy strategies using practice questions to build student insight, clarity and to develop extended abstract thinking. Students worked hard by attending extra tutorials and using online resources. However,

there was still room for improvement as the COVID situation brought additional challenges.


This year I am focusing on a mixed ability year 11 Akomanga Kahinga class. I am

interested in tracing their progress as I have been teaching them since year 9. Additionally,

the manaiakalani findings prompted interest in this group too. I am going to focus on the wellbeing of the tauira as these are unprecedented and challenging times. I also want to

work on creating a good balance as we transition into a smoother hybrid learning model. 


For this Akomanga Kahinga class, there are  four internals and three externals. 

I began preparing these students last year by teaching all the year 10 topics at a level 5-6

curriculum level. Whilst working with students last year, I identified a few outstanding

students to whom I can offer all three externals to by holding extra tutorials (online and offline). There are 9 Maori earners, 8 Tongan learners, 6 Cook island Maori learners, 2 south

east asian learners and one Samoan learner in this class.



In order to move forward, Dr Jannie van Hees has helped me build confidence building strategies.I will continue to work on contextual based questions in every topic and I am

going to get help from Marc Milford , Dr Jannie Van Hees and Mrs Latu to bridge the gaps

in learner knowledge and expand extended abstract thinking. This is with the aim that

students can gain at least 16 credits to meet the partial requirement to pass NCEA level

one and achieve endorsement.


By the end of year I hope the whole class will confidently use mathematical language,

written, listening, interpersonal, comprehension and listening skills. This is in order to

build their confidence in this landscape and become lifelong learners.


My Challenge:

I have divided them into three groups. Currently there are 9 students who are working

above  the expected level, 10 students who are at the expected level and 9 students

who are working below the level. 2 of the students in the class are ESOL. There are

clear gaps here in terms of mathematical skill levels, literacy skills and confidence

that need to be built upon this year. 

My challenge is to accelerate learning, despite all the COVID disturbances, to

enable learners to  get endorsements and 16+ credits.


I am interested in learning more about the students to effectively cater to the

needs of each student, whilst promoting whanaungatanga and wellbeing.

WFRC#(1-4) Explain why you judge this to be the most important and catalytic issue

of learning for this group of learners this year (In chemistry, a catalytic substance

one  which increases the speed of a chemical reaction).

I judge this to be the most important issue as I identified the following three challenges that are impeding on progress: 

  • Literacy and comprehension challenges

  • Wellbeing and confidence challenges 

  • Missed lessons 

If I am to work on these specifically, I predict the achievement of students will increase. The strategies to improve these challenges include the following: 

  • Practising literacy strategies repetitively and the ViTaL sheet to track progress.

  • Extra support- after school online/face to face study classes.

  • To cultivate confidence I caught up with Dr Jannis Van Hees, her ideas are;

    • Giving voice to my learners  that empowers them, their voice suggests

    • pathways to interrupt barriers and enhance existing capabilities

    • Collaborative ways of learning as we are all teachers and learners

    • Peer teaching groups

    • All questions are worthwhile, voice them and address them

    • Stocktake on the session’s learning

    • Weekly surveys to identify individual and class learning progress

    • Invitational teaching and learning- approaches and teaching and

    • practice points are organised but fluid and response

    • Learning as a community embraces pacifica well being

    • Collaborating with the whanau weekly

I am confident that if I choose to work on these then there will be momentum forward

for students. I will actively be blogging about topics, teaching styles, literacy

strategies and evaluations. 

These are some further questions I will ask myself as the year progresses:

  • How can I promote and cater effectively for three different groups?

  • Do my students really enjoy this subject and enjoy this pathway?

  • Are they doing enough homework in order to retain the knowledge?

  • Are there enough resources and practice mathematical language activities to cope

  • up with the NCEA requirements?

  • How can I build respectful, trusting relationships together, we are in this together

  • during ths unprecedented time?

  • How can I promote learning as a community aspect as pacifica learners embrace

  • learning as community?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

My Inquiry Question #1-Part 1


Inquiry question#1: Summarise the discussion you had with your school leader(s) about your proposed inquiry focus and their reaction to this :

The first Kāhui Ako meeting was last month. Russell and Chris asked us to consider how our 
inquiries can be adapted to COVID conditions, whilst keeping our students engaged and 
excited about their learning. Russell’s korero also spoke about the importance of tauira 
wellbeing and confidence. 

Our school goal for this year is to

Goal 1 Maori Achievement
To raise Maori student achievement and cultural visibility.                                                                                                                                                                                      
That 85% of Maori students will achieve NCEA Level 2. 
Goal 2 Pasifika Achievement       
To understand and demonstrate the cultural competencies of Tapasā.  
85% of Pasifika students will achieve NCEA Level 2. 
Goal 3 Literacy and Numeracy
By the end of Year 10, 80% of students will be reading at or above the expected level
By the end of Year 10, 70% of students  are writing at or above the expected Curriculum Level.
By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected 
Curriculum Level
That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Literacy.
That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.
Goal 4 Student Wellbeing
Increasing Student, Family and Community Engagement with Schools Student Support Network.
Goal 5 Staff Wellbeing
Staff at Tamaki College will be well supported so that their practice meets the needs of our students.
Our Mathematics Department goal for this year is:

By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected 
Curriculum Level (PAT: stanine 4-6 or higher). 
That at least 80% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.
Year 13s to leave college with sufficient Maths skills to get into their chosen vocational  pathway.

As an assistant HOD,  my goal is to raise achievement in year 12 and year 13. By looking at three  
goals, I have decided to focus on year 11 students to make a powerful contribution to my school’s 
goals, department’s goals and my goals.

I spoke to 3 members of middle management, Deputy Principal and Dr Jannie to discuss 
my inquiry. I will be working with all these people and below are some considerations they 
provided me:

 HOD Mathematics:
Collaboration with the department.
Sharing blogs and Literacy strategies.
Powerful contribution to the department goals.
Sharing resources.
Maori learners’ achievement and career pathways.
Numeracy contribution.
Well being of teachers and learners.
Promoting Hybrid learning model.
Deputy Principal
Numeracy contribution.
Achieving in Mathematics and choosing the year12 pathway is a contribution towards student 
Sharing ideas is powerful towards teacher well-being.
Maori learners' identity and career pathway.
Whanau Dean: Kowhai/HOD of Technology
Meeting the learners' pastoral needs.
Meeting the learners’ wellbeing.          

Mrs. Mele Suipi Latu
Meeting the ESOL learners’ wellbeing and learning needs.
Tapasa framework.
Dr Jannie Van Hees
Well being techniques.
Literacy strategies.
Confidence building exercises. 
After meeting the above leaders I feel inspired to take on this inquiry.

My Goal Inquiry 2022
How do I capitalise on the whanaungatanga and the sense of wellbeing that already exists among 
the learners of my  year11 Mathematics class(Akomanga Kaihanga) to empower their learning?
This goal provides a strong pathway into year12 using literacy strategies , skill practice and 
confidence building. 

Year11 Reflection: