Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Inquiry Question#5-1,2,3



Plan and conduct a detailed inquiry into specific aspects of your current teaching that are relevant to the hypotheses you identified in the literature. Inquiring into your teaching should give you:
Formative information about your current strengths and areas for development
Baseline information that you can use at the end of the year to provide evidence of shifts in teaching

use multiple tools such as self- or peer-observations, analysis of your class site, student's voice.

My learners have completed three internals now. Fourteen learners have gained 11 credits,
one learner has gained  8 credits, six have gained 7 credits, and one has gained 4 credits.
In order to pass   NECA L1, everyone must gain Numeracy (10 credits). Therefore fourteen
learners have gained Numeracy. The huge effort made by learners to achieve since their PAT under
four or four. Mrs. Singh (HOD Mathematics) will be observing this class very soon.
Tweak Tweak:
This is an internal-based course. Having said that, I noticed three of them have
gained M/E throughout the year so I have moved them to an External based course and
brought three of them down from the External course to internal who aren't performing.


Write a reflection in which you summarise your main learning about your teaching and the next steps. This will prepare you to design an intervention next time.
Present findings from this inquiry about your teaching. Ensure qualitative data includes rich descriptions of your teaching and quantitative data is clearly presented.

Qualitative data: I make conversations while I teach and during study class times. Also, I took them to lead Learn Create Share PD and made a movie for the movie festival. As a result, they are very settled in class and agreed to take Mathematics as mathematics is optional next year too.

Quantitative data: See the data above. Now most of them have gained their Numeracy next challenge is to move to 16 credits to pass NCEA L1 who have gained 11 cerdits and the rest of the class to get at least Numeracy.


 Write a reflection in which you summarise your main learning about your teaching and the next steps. This will prepare you to design an intervention next time.

My learners' have completed three internals, now my challenge is how to finish the last two internals during


Student Feedback:

Online lesson

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Solo taxonomy As91026(1.4)


Here is a 1.4 worked example linked with Solo taxonomy.

Plan for 1.4 (91029)

 My learners' have finished 1.10 Multivariate data successfully just before the lockdown.

Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence

·      Apply linear algebra in solving problems.
·   Apply linear algebra, using relational thinking, in solving problems.
·       Apply linear algebra, using extended abstract thinking, in solving problems.

This topic is a combination(fourth topic) of Algebraic, Graph, and contextually based questions.
I got student input on how to teach this topic and after a discussion with my students. I made the following planning decisions:

Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.
Spending more time on Algebraic skills, Forming equations of graphs and contextual-based questions.
Three Act task.Link
Focusing on the interpretation of questions and use demos to draw graphs. 
Using Google calendar to set lessons/work space.
Tracking sheet will be used to track their progress due to lockdown.
Continuing with multimodal instruction.
 I will give students a Chunk, Chew, Check to retain the knowledge.
At the end of the topic, learners will be sitting a practice test and the real test.
Using the online whiteboard, videos for rewindable learning, lots of repetitive practice from exemplers, and education perfect to make my online lessons more effective.

Next: Solo taxonomy

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Tohatoha-Share Staff meeting

 Last Monday, I attended the Manaiakalai share staff meeting via google meet. Here is my korero.

Describe what was happening for the group of learners you selected, their strengths and needs. Discuss evidence you have e.g. anecdotal observation, learners’ blogs, data, student voice, conversations with whānau and previous teachers.

My Inquiry - year 11Mat  (General Mathematics) class with internals for targeted Maori students and the rest of the students to gain Numeracy with at least 16 credits and a pathway into year12 using literacy strategies and skill practice. Link

By the end of the year, the Maori (targeted students) and the rest of the class can experience success in their learning by getting Numeracy and fulfilling their part of the contribution to passing NCEA L1 by using literacy strategies and skill practice.

Strengths and needs: There are 23 students in this class. Five Maori students, 8 Tongan students, 3 Samoan students, 2 Cook island Maori, 2 Fijian, 1 Filipino, 2 Niuean, and 1 Afghani. Four of them are ESOL too. 

From the PAT results last year, 6 students are working at PAT-stanine 4, 10 students are at PAT -stanine 3, 2 students are working at PAT -stanine 2, and the rest working are at PAT stanine 1.There are clear gaps shown here in terms

of mathematics and literacy skills. 

My challenge is to accelerate their learning towards NCEA Level1, achieve 16 credits and make an effective contribution to ensuring they pass their NCEA Level1.


Summarise the student learning challenge you planned to focus on in 2021. Talk about why this is important for your school/kura i.e. what difference will this make for your learners/school?

My challenges are cultivating their accuracy skills, literacy strategies, deepening their understanding,

creating ownership, promoting engagement, love of learning, confidence, and collaboration across their subjects.

If I achieve the above challenges I am confident they will produce a better outcome.

This will make a powerful contribution towards Numeracy,  school goals, Department goals, and Manaiakalani


Your hunch - describe what you can change or do differently in order to improve learning experiences and outcomes for students. The simplest way is to say -  if…..    then…..

Hunch is accuracy skills and comprehension.

If I encourage my learners to do lots of skill practice and a variety of literacy strategies by critiquing each

others work,  they will get motivated and enjoy learning. 

Learning - Describe how you have acquired new knowledge and skills to make changes in your practice e.g. PLD, readings/research, ideas from your colleagues.


Department meeting.

School PD

Literacy specialists Dr Janni and Mrs. Latu.

Research into specialist strategies te kotahitanga.

Professional reading.Link

As an  Asst HOD, I attend Management holders PLD and Auckland Mathematics association PLD.

Working with Lenva Shearing.

Taking action - describe what you are planning to do (or have done) differently. 

  • 3 ACT tasks for every problem. Link

  • Promoting culturally responsive pedagogy-translating into Tongan language. Link 

  • Learners lead  Learn create share PLd at Manaiakalani cluster Create staff PLD

  • at Stonefields school to build up their confidence and leadership skills.


  • Critique each other's group work.Link

  • Literacy strategies with Dr Janni for first topics Number and trigonometry.Link

  • Multimodal instruction. Link

  • Collaboration with the ESOL department for ESOL learners. Link

  • I intend to do a Collaborative cross-department and dive deeper into Maori learners.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Maths week

 We are celebrating maths week at Tamaki College.

Here is the year9 challenge.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Practice test

Critique each other strategy;

 Currently, we are working on a Multivariate data practice test. I modified all the exercises by adding PEEL structure in order to write sentences as their writing skills are limited. Also, I divided them into groups to make them write on the whiteboard and critique each other. My learners really enjoyed it last week and from their feedback, they look confident to move to real tests next week. Critiques help learners hone their persuasive writing, information gathering, and justification skills. I am very confident that learners' who critique one another's work raises the bar.

Year11 Reflection: