Question5/1: Share your findings of the nature and extent of the student challenge. Make sure it is clear what evidence from your inquiry supports each finding.
I have collected individual students' past year results from kamar. See blog post is here
Historical results from NZQA site and my blog post is here.
The following is the year planner:
Data: My whole class has finished the first internal coordinate Geometry (2credits) before the lockdown and here is the comparison of results between 2018 and 2019
The percentage of students who achieved Merit and Excellence increased, thereby shifting achievement higher out of the achieved level. Overall, I am happy with these results.
I am currently teaching the Trigonometry topic and catching up with teaching the second internal. We are following tight time constraints because of lockdown.
•Lifting achievement up to Merit and Excellence so that students can get Merit and Excellence endorsements.
•Another challenge is getting students to complete the second internal (Graphs) as few students are still in the process of internal completion.
To combat this, I have asked my learners to complete the graph internal while I teach Trigonometry.
I am also holding after-school study classes to ensure that students complete the learning which they missed during the lockdown.
To figure out how effective these solutions are, I have created a tracking sheet, google hangouts, catch up classes, and conversations with the learners.
Question5/2: Explain how some of the data you have used to build a profile of the students’ learning will be used as baseline data at the end of the year.
The credits they have gained are a huge contribution to my inquiry. And I am working on marking and catching on the second topic (worth of 4 credits) as well as teaching Trigonometry(worth of 3 credits).
Question5/3: Share three pieces of academic or professional reading and explain how they and other sources helped your form hypotheses about aspects of teaching that might contribute to current patterns of learning.
Reading one- Link
Reading two- link
Reading three-link