Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My Inquiry YR13-Evaluation

Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within the school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice.

Major Inquiry- How can I accelerate learning in Yr13 calculus so that my Maori learners(and the other learners) can pass exams and gain University entrance with getting 14+ credits.
Minor Inquiry- Can I improve the Year 11 numeracy credits by collaborating with one of my colleagues and also technology department.
Personal Goal: The role as  Asst HOD is to increase learners' Mathematical achievement in year 12 and year 13.
As a CoL leader with in school, I am very confident that these three goals would make a huge contribution towards Achievement Challenge 1.

Major inquiry Evaluation

(1) Summarise evidence about key changes in teaching and other factors that influence student           learning: Learners have finished all their internals and are awaiting external results to make a complete evaluation however here is the evaluation for the internals.
The key changes I made over the year
     Catalyst issues- Link
     Causal chain- Link
         Literacy strategies.Link
         NCEA standard breakdowns to understand A/M/E using SOLO taxonomy.Link
         Collaborating with tertiary providers. Link
         Ex-students came to mentor the cultural responsive relational pedagogy.
         Monitoring -Link
         Feedbacks using Google forms, talking, listening and KWL chart.
         Scholarship classes for extension students and extra internal conics taught for them .
         Those who don't sit for external due to their personal reasons, extra internal got taught to gain
          14+ credits. 

    (2)  Summarise evidence about key shifts in the problem of student learning.
          2018 Summary

    2019 Summary

    2019 Summary

    There are 15 learners in this class. Four learners have gained 14+ credits, four students have gained 13+ credits, six students have gained ten credits and one student gained six credits but last year I offered only three internal and Maximum credit gain was only ten credits. So I did differentiated teaching and monitored every learner carefully to reach these outcomes.
    There are 11 students are willing to sit all 3 of the papers at the end of the year. This is in contrast to only 3 students sitting all 3 last year. 
    Furthermore, one learner gained six credits which are better with comparing with other subjects. 

    Internal (1)-Trigonometry

    Trend: This is our first internal. The percentage of students who achieved Merit and Excellence thereby shifted to get higher than achieved.

    internal (2)- Linear programming(3.2)


    Trend: This is ours second internal. The percentage of students of who gained Merit and Excellence has increased, thereby by shifting the achievement level higher than Achieved. Overall,I am happy with these results. Comparing the results with 2018 there has been a 3% increase in learners gaining Excellence and 20% increase in Merit. Consequently, all the learners have gained grade above Achieved.

    Internal (3) -Systems of Equations(3.15)

    Trend: This is our third internal. The percentage of students who gained Merit and Excellence has increased. Comparing to results with 2018 there has been a 4% increase in learners gaining Excellence and Merit credits.

    Internal(4)-Conics(3.1) - First time introduced to incorporate with the scholarship the program. The passing rate is 100%.

    Internal(5)- Bi variate data(3.9)- Introduced to make the credits for 14+ as four students will not going to sit for the external exams as they wanted to join the workforce next year. The passing rate is 100%.

     (3) Write an overall evaluation of your intervention in terms of the causal chain you had theorised. i.e.To what extent was the intervention successful in changing factors such as teaching? To what extent were those changes in teaching effectively in changing patterns of student learning?

    Overall comparison with Docile one school and National norm.

    I used causal chain effectively as I mentioned in the previous blogs and I am happy with progress on Quantitative data analysis and qualitative data.

    Quantitative changes; There is a shift in all the internals and the total number of credits compare to 2018.
    Qualitative changes: The learners who were were reluctant to do homework/attending study class decreased. They become independent, engaged effectively with group discussions, improved on questioning skills as a result of they produced a movie at the movie festival.Link

    (4.) Write a reflection on your own professional learning through this inquiry cycle.
    Literacy strategies specially PEEL structure and KWL chart I discussed in the department meeting and my colleagues found it useful too.
    I was able to upgrade my literacy strategies with  Dr. Janni.
    Lena was very helpful with upgrading my blogging skills as this is my first-year CoL leader within the school journey
    The first time, I taught scholarship calculus at Tamaki College it has a huge learning curve and a huge commitment between my two learners and me. my confidence increased and was able to upgrade Level8 Calculus content knowledge.

    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    Term4 / Week 2 & 3 monitoring

    Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against National Standards and agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13. As a CoL leader within the school. I  am more interested in inquiring about student learning and my own practice.

    Monitoring CTD Term4/Week2 and 3

    During week 2/3, two students were working hard towards scholarship and eight students were focusing on Complex Numbers and Integration. The idea was that complex numbers/Integration would accelerate mathematical gaps in Algebra and literacy comprehension that would be important in the exams. I encouraged students to learn key points and do a practice test which gave them a grade of Achieved/Merit/Excellence. We took a short, sharp focus; using exemplars to revise and consolidate learning.

    Furthermore, three students worked towards an extra internal as two students are not sitting external exams and another one is only sitting one. One student has been absent for the whole term and the other learner is working from home.

    I kept emphasizing the importance of going back and consolidating algebra knowledge, by looking at the contextual questions. I did a final quick test, to see how the students were going. Learners had their prize giving on Monday last week (4) and have started their study break on Tuesday.

    Next step: Learners will be coming to school during the study break to get in touch with topics as the Calculus examination will be on the 26th of November.

    working on internals
    Weekend study class
    After school study class
    After school study class
    After school study class
    weekend study class

    Year11 Reflection: