Monday, March 13, 2023

Second topic/ Term1

As91264(2.9) Statistical Inference-Internal 4 credits-

This is our second topic with 4 (internal) credits assignment.

What is Statistical Inference? This is a very English-rich standard and continuation work done in

L1 Multivariate data. Effective work of the PPDAC cycle is essential. A lot of writing is involved.

I am planning to break it into 3 checkpoints in order to make this smooth and manageable for my learners.

Here is the plan:

  • Apply SOLO taxonomy- To differentiate between Achievement/Merit/Excellence.

  • Comprehension -Vocab introduced(My definition strategy), underlining the keywords, Acronyms, think loud strategy.

  • Think loud strategy: Recently attended the toolkit workshop by Dr. Naomi Rosedale ( Manaiakalani literacy facilitator) and I found it useful to read and solve problems.

  • PPDAC cycle.

  • ViTaL sheet.

  • Peer teaching- Made them into groups and worked on the whiteboard to build confidence.

  • Workspace and Google Calendar.

  • Video Lessons- Short videos.

  • Google Quizlet flashcards to familiarize yourself with keywords.

  • PEEL Structure to write the analysis.

  • CODAC to create a box and whisker graph-Introduced on calculus day in 2021.

  • Afternoon class for those missed lessons due to other commitments.

  • Checklist to meet all the requirements.

Checkpoint: There are 3 checkpoints.


Think loud strategy:

Think loud PLD 

Think Loud example

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