Monday, March 27, 2023


 We had the privilege to present our CoL Inquiry at the at Tamaki College, Here is my part,

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Latest ethnicity update

 Three learners joined my class and two learners moved due to career pathways. There are 14 learners in this class, 3 Samoans, 1 Niuean, 1 Maori, 7 Tongans, and 2 Cook Island Maori. 


Last year's NCEA  result shows, one learner obtained a Merit endorsement, and six obtained an 
Achieved endorsement through the Statistical pathway.
One learner obtained an Achieved endorsement through Calculus and switched to the Statistics 
pathway this year and the rest did not gain any endorsements or came from the internal pathways.

Friday, March 17, 2023

SOLO taxonomy As91264(2.9) -Statistical Inference


My learners found SOLO useful to have a better understanding of the difference

between Achievement/ Merit/ Excellence.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Second topic/ Term1

As91264(2.9) Statistical Inference-Internal 4 credits-

This is our second topic with 4 (internal) credits assignment.

What is Statistical Inference? This is a very English-rich standard and continuation work done in

L1 Multivariate data. Effective work of the PPDAC cycle is essential. A lot of writing is involved.

I am planning to break it into 3 checkpoints in order to make this smooth and manageable for my learners.

Here is the plan:

  • Apply SOLO taxonomy- To differentiate between Achievement/Merit/Excellence.

  • Comprehension -Vocab introduced(My definition strategy), underlining the keywords, Acronyms, think loud strategy.

  • Think loud strategy: Recently attended the toolkit workshop by Dr. Naomi Rosedale ( Manaiakalani literacy facilitator) and I found it useful to read and solve problems.

  • PPDAC cycle.

  • ViTaL sheet.

  • Peer teaching- Made them into groups and worked on the whiteboard to build confidence.

  • Workspace and Google Calendar.

  • Video Lessons- Short videos.

  • Google Quizlet flashcards to familiarize yourself with keywords.

  • PEEL Structure to write the analysis.

  • CODAC to create a box and whisker graph-Introduced on calculus day in 2021.

  • Afternoon class for those missed lessons due to other commitments.

  • Checklist to meet all the requirements.

Checkpoint: There are 3 checkpoints.


Think loud strategy:

Think loud PLD 

Think Loud example

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Meeting with Dr Jannie

 I caught up with Dr Jannie with our 2.1 Coordinate geometry practice test.

Learners find it comfortable with skills(finding gradient, length, and midpoint), however,

communicating with the finding is their challenging part.

Their challenging part was discussion and reasoning.

Discussion -what do they do? How did they do? With clear communication.

Reasoning - why you used this type of strategy and method. Photo taken with

answers and made an audio recording to go over it. I found this strategy very useful to rewind

And boost their learning. Here are the answers with audio recording.

After all the different types of approaches, learners have successfully finished their first internal and will be moving on to the second topic.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

PEE structure paragraphing

What is PEE ?


What you see

I noticed…. (comparison statement)


Explain what it means

This means that (what it means more generally)


Give values  (statistics)

The evidence for this is…. (give the values to back it up)

Link (optional)

Link back to the population, context, research or prediction

This confirms my initial… I expected….

This is surprising…. From my research….

I used PEE structure paragraphing to answer the question of Merit and Excellence.


Gradient AB- 0

Gradient BC  -2.4

Gradient DC-0

Gradient AC-  -2.4

Point: Line segment AB is parallel to line segment DC.

Explain: This means they have the same gradient.

Evidence:GradientAB= Gradient DC =0


Length AB- 13

Length BC- 13

Length DC- 13

Length AC- 13

Point: All sides are equal.

Explain: This means they have the same length.

Evidence:LengthAB= LengthBC= LengthDC=LengthAC=13

Friday, March 3, 2023

SOLO taxonomy As91256(2.1) -Co ordinate geometry

Achievement-2 different techniques from gradient, Length, and distance.

Merit- 2 different descriptions of the shapes.

Merit- Proof of two observations from the findings.

First topic Term1

 As91261-Coordinate Geometry(2 credits, Internal)

As I indicated on my planner there are two topics for the term. The first topic for the term is Coordinate geometry. This is an internal worth of 2 credits and the test is in week 5.

What is coordinate geometry? This is one of the most interesting topics in Mathematics. It is a combination of Geometry, Algebra, and graphs. Learners are expected to have a deep understanding of these topics. It provides geometric aspects in Algebra and enables to solve of geometric problems.

Here is the plan:

  • Apply SOLO taxonomy- every lesson I mention about SOLO in class to reach their utmost potential.
  • Comprehension -Vocab introduced(My definition strategy), underlining the keywords, understanding the background of the scenario, and making them read to get enhance reading fluency.
  • ViTaL sheet.
  • Peer teaching- Made them into groups and worked on the whiteboard to build confidence.
  • Workspace and Google Calendar.
  • Video Lessons- Video series and my video.
  • Google jam board to familiarize yourself with shapes and properties.
  • PEE Structure to strengthen their writing skill.
  • Working with Dr. Jannie.
  • Desmos to create shapes.
  • Morning study class for those missed lessons due to other commitments.

How to draw shapes using Desmos highlights:

study class highlights

Year11 Reflection: