Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Inquiry question 7: 2021 Teacher Inquiry Evaluation

My Inquiry is for year 11Mat (General Mathematics class) where there will be internals for targeted Maori students and the rest of the students, so they can gain Numeracy with at least 16 credits. This also provides a pathway into year12 using literacy strategies and skill practice. 

I made key changes in my teaching after the first lockdown. These shifts included causal steps in literacy strategies and student-assisted learning. I utilized the online Miro whiteboard to run matching activities and used, tracking sheets and lesson setting on google calendar.

During second lockdown(12weeks) I promoted DocHub, google jam board, tracking sheet and seeked help from the Whanau to overcome the attendance challenges.

Due to Covid, learners are eligible for learning recognition credits which means for every 4 credits they earn, they get one extra credit. According to that calculation, to date 11 have gained 16 credits, 4 have gained 13 credits, 2 of them have gained 12 credits and 3 of them have gained 8 credits.16 out of 19 have gained Numeracy. However if there was no lockdown, all students would have achieved 16 credits. My learners thoroughly enjoyed this course and good rapport was created. As a result 17 out of 19 have decided to take year12 Mathematics even though Mathematics is optional.

Reflection on my professional learning through this inquiry cycle: I learned how to build confidence, leadership skills, independent learning and collaborate effectively online and  face to face. I learned to to tackle behavioural issues and hook students into enjoying mathematics.Through the inquiry process, I developed a better understanding of learning pedagogy. I also improved learning outcomes for our Maori and Pacifica students. 2021 brought its challenges with online teaching due to COVID two lockdowns. 

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