Sunday, March 28, 2021

10KMe Blogging

 My learners currently working Number of topic, last week they were revising and making study notes using blogging. Here is the link

Blog 1-Link

Blog2- Link

Blod3- Link

Blog 4- Link

Blog 5- Link

Blog 6- Link

Blog 7- Link

Blog8- Link

Blog9- Link

Blog10- Link


Colloboration Colloboration

 Learners' are working on Number Topic that is an English-rich standard so I collaborated with Dr. Janni and Mrs. Mele Latu for ESOL learners to make it more effective.

  Dr. Janni taught me how to teach the Learners who are working PAT1 to 4 to work within a short time. Learners find it difficult to write information down that is not necessarily given.

Example: Number practice test

1. Go back and read and find what you really need? 

2. create a layout? Here is the layout and is what learners found useful.


And for the Tongan learners, Mrs. Latu supported me with their cultural responses by translating the practice task into the Tongan language. Below is the translated version. 

I  tried to bring their talanoa into the classroom so we can embrace their culture and become more active and visible members in the classroom.  I believe that ffective teaching is culturally responsive. Link

next step: Reflections on Number As91026(1.1)

Friday, March 26, 2021

SOLO AS91026(1.1) Number

 My learners found it very useful to differentiate between Achievement, Merit, and Excellence.




uses at least three different numeric methods in an attempt to solve the problem.

Ratio and Proportion (need at least one)

Rounding and rates (need at least one).

Fraction of, Percentage of, Percentage Increase/decrease and GST(need at least one).



Solve a problem involving one or more of:
Selecting and carrying out a logical sequence of steps
Connecting different concepts and representations
Demonstrating understanding of concepts
Forming and using a model
Relating findings to a context

Communicating thinking using appropriate mathematical statements.

What this means?
Solve a problem (with working and explanation) using multiple steps


Extended abstract thinking.
This could involve one or more of:
Devising a strategy to investigate or solve a problem
Identifying relevant concepts in context
Developing a chain of logical reasoning, or proof
Forming a generalisation
Using correct mathematical statements
Communicating mathematical insight.

What this means?
Solve a problem (with complete working and explanation) using multiple steps and consider rounding issues, multiple solutions, assumptions, comparing different options.

Here is the application on the Practice test Link.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Plan for As91026(1.1 )Number


I have ben working through to teach Number(1.1). This is our first internal worth of 4 credits got student input on how to teach this topic after discussion with my students as my learners are working between PAT1-4.

I made the following planning decisions: 
I am going to apply 
SOLO taxonomy.
Differentiated teaching to cater to everyone in the class.
Working with DR Janni on word problems.
Set all my lessons on my site.
Online past papers.
Extra lessons on Fridays.
Mrs. Mele Latu to translate them into the Tongan language.
Practice tests, a halfway test, and the end of the topic test.
Skill practice -warm-up questions and Do nows.
Annotated exemplars. Link

At the end of the topic test, I am going to get feedback from the learners to get their strength
Next step: SOLO taxonomy on 1.1 NUMBER.

Friday study class highlights

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Inquiry Question2 : From what you know already about your classes and your school’s profile and leadership goals for the year, share a possible inquiry focus.

 My Inquiry - year 11Mat (General Mathematics) class with internals for targeted Maori students and the rest of the students to gain Numeracy with at least 16 credits and a pathway into year12 using literacy strategies and skill practice. 

By the end of the year, the Maori (targeted students) and the rest of the class can experience success in their learning by getting Numeracy and fulfilling their part of the contribution to passing NCEA L1 by using literacy strategies and skill practice.


There are 22 students in this class. Five Maori students, 8 Tongan students, 3 Samoan students, 2 Cook island Maori, 2 Fijian, 1 Filipino, 2 Niuean, and 1 Afghani. Four of them are ESOL too. 


From the PAT results last year, 6 students are working at PAT-stanine 4, 10 students are at PAT -stanine 3, 2 students are working at PAT -stanine 2, and the rest working are at PAT stanine 1. There are clear gaps shown here in terms of mathematics and literacy skills. My challenge is to accelerate their learning towards NCEA Level1, achieve 16 credits and make an effective contribution to ensuring they pass their NCEA Level1.
I am very excited about this inquiry that cultivates their skills, deepens understanding, creates ownership, promotes engagement, love of learning, and collaborates across their subjects.

To make this effective, I have made the following initial plans with my students:

  •  warm-up questions every day to practice skills.

  •  Differentiated teaching.

  •  Collaborative inquiry- collaborate with another subject/Colleague.

  •  Interactive activities using videos, games, and  Miro online boards.

  •  Organize sites/ workspace/unit plans/ yearly planner, Google calendar, and weekly planner.

  •  Literacy strategies with Dr. Janni Van Hees and Mrs. Latu.

  •  Research into effective teaching strategies- te kotahitanga

  •  Apply SOLO taxonomy effectively.

  •  Working with Lenva Shearing.

  •  Promote rewindable learning.

  • Incorporate Maori into the topics.

  • How to increase the confidence and motivation of the learners.

  • Develop good Homework habits.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Inquiry Question 1: Collaborate with your school's leadership team and colleagues to identify areas where your inquiry will make a powerful contribution to the wider school and cluster community.

Our school Goal for this year is:

Goal 1 Maori Achievement

To raise Maori student achievement and cultural visibility

That 85% of Maori students will achieve NCEA L2.


Goal 2 Literacy and Numeracy

By the end of Year 10, 80% of students will be reading at or above the expected level

By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are writing at or above the expected Curriculum Level.

By the end of Year 10, 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected Curriculum Level.

That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Literacy.

That 90% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.

Goal 3 Student Wellbeing

Increasing Student, Family, and Community Engagement with Schools Student Support Network.

Goal 4 Teacher Wellbeing

All teachers at Tamaki College will be well supported so that their practice meets the needs of their students. 


Our Mathematics Department goal for this year is:

By the end of Year 10, 50% of students are achieving in Mathematics at or above the expected Curriculum Level (PAT: stanine 4-6 or higher). 

At least 80% of Year 11 students will achieve NCEA Numeracy.

Year 13s to leave college with sufficient maths skills to get into their chosen vocational pathway.

By looking at both goals, I have decided to focus on year 11 students to make a powerful contribution to school goals as well as Department goals.


I spoke to 4 members of Middle and senior management to discuss my inquiry.

HOD Mathematics

  • Literacy Strategies/skills.

  • Sharing blog during department meetings.

  • Differentiated teaching techniques.

  • Sharing resources.

  • Numeracy contribution.

  • Maori learner’s achievement and career pathways.

Deputy Principal

  • Numeracy contribution.

  • Achieving in Mathematics and choosing the year12 pathway is a contribution towards student wellbeing.

  • Sharing ideas is powerful towards teacher well-being.

  • Maori learners' identity and career pathway.


Executive Dean

  • Meeting the learners' pastoral needs.

  • Collaborating with literacy skills.

  • Meeting the learners’ wellbeing.


            Mrs. Mele Suipi Latu

  • Meeting the ESOL learners’ learning styles.

  • Meeting the ESOL learners’ wellbeing.

  • Scaffolding strategies.


After meeting the above leaders I started my inquiry with confidence.

My Inquiry is for year 11Mat (General Mathematics class) is that there will be internals for targeted Maori students and the rest of the students to can gain Numeracy with at least 16 credits. This also provides a pathway into year12 using literacy strategies and skill practice.


By the end of the year, the Maori (targeted students) and the rest of the class can experience success in their learning by achieving numeracy and fulfilling their part of the contribution to passing NCEA L1 by using literacy strategies and skill practice.

Year11 Reflection: