Monday, July 27, 2020

Plan for AS91262 (2.7 ) Apply Calculus methods in solving problems (External 5 credits)

Plan for AS91262 (2.7 ) Apply Calculus methods in solving problems (External 5 credits)
My learners have finished Algebra AS91261 (2.6 ) and the last internal As91269 Systems of equations(2.14, internal 2 credits). 
This topic is L2 Calculus and the pathway to the Year13 Calculus course.
I got student input on how to teach this topic and after a discussion with my students. I made the following planning decisions:
Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.
Spending more time on Keywords, Differentiation, Integration, Kinematics, Optimisation, and wordy questions.
“Do now” questions every day to work on Calculus skills.
 Dr janni Van Hees will assist in tackling complicated contextual questions.
Tracking sheet will be used to track their progress.
Continuing my study classes on Wednesdays and Fridays (after school hours.)
 I will give students a Chunk, Chew, Check to retain the knowledge until examinations(November).
At the end of the topic, learners will be sitting a practice test as this is an external topic.
Using the online whiteboard, videos, lots of repetitive practice form past papers, and education perfect to make my online lessons more effective.
•Go hard with their homework.
Also, I am going to give lots of practice during extra study classes  to prapare them for mock examinations next term which decide their derived grade. My upcoming holiday class focus will be on  past papers.
       Next step: GOSOLO for AS91262 (2.7 ).

Monday, July 20, 2020

Plan and conduct detailed inquiry into specific aspects of your current teaching that are relevant to the hypotheses you identified in the literature. Inquiring into your teaching should give you:

TAI2020WRFC Inquiry question#6: 

Plan and conduct a detailed inquiry into specific aspects of your current teaching that are relevant to the hypotheses you identified in the literature. Inquiring into your teaching should give you:
Formative information about your current strengths and areas for development
Baseline information that you can use at the end of the year to provide evidence of shifts in teaching
Use multiple tools such as self- or peer-observations, analysis of your class site, student's voice.

Peer observation:

My learners have completed three internal assessments, and here is the link to the student voice/perspectives.

I invited our literacy specialist, Mrs. Mele Suipi Latu, to do a peer observation.
Her feedback was:
“No behaviour issue, students’ engagement was fantastic, all students were on task. However, a great amount of attention was given to ESOL students.”
I found this feedback very useful for my future planning and will incorporate it with my planning.

Present findings from this inquiry about your teaching. Ensure qualitative data includes rich descriptions of your teaching and quantitative data is clearly presented.

Qualitative data: I had many conversations with students while I was teaching and holding study classes. I also gained feedback on their attitude towards learning mathematics through google forms. I found there has been a large shift in terms of attitude and students have now started to take ownership of their own achievement. It was reassuring as I also had a good turn out during the winter holiday break study classes (first week of the holidays.) I also did catch up sessions in Algebraic skills and contextual based questions.

Quantitative data:
Here is the overall summary

Most of the students have gained 9 credits with Merit or Excellence. Due to COVID19,  12 credits with at least one external is enough to get an endorsement. My learners are in a very secured position with internals to gain an endorsement.


 Write a reflection in which you summarise your main learning about your teaching and the next steps. This will prepare you to design an intervention next time.

Now my challenge is motivating students with externals (there are two externals) until the examination period and ensuring they retain knowledge. Having said that, there is also one more internal to finish this term too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Evaluation- As 91257 (2.2) Graphs and As 91259(2.4)Trigonometry.

Evaluation- As 91257 (2.2) Graphs(4credits) and As 91259(2.4)Trigonometry(3 credits).

This is the second internal assessment. In this internally assessed 91257 Graphs standard,  Achieved 20%  compared to last year’s 26%, Merit  55%  compared to last year’s 48%, Excellence 25%  compared to last year’s 22%. Overall there is a shift in the progress and I am very impressed as this got taught during the lock-down. And lock-down has been a beneficial time for my learners.
Tweak: One of the learners found this standard challenging and she is working on Statistical experiments(2.10) to make up the credits.

This is the third internal assessment. In this internally assessed 91259 Trigonometry standard,  Achieved 32%  compared to last year’s 52.6%, Merit  32%  compared to last year’s 16%, Excellence 32%  both years. Overall there is a shift in their progress.

Students Voice:

Next step: Algebra teaching continues.

Year11 Reflection: