Sunday, June 7, 2020

Plan for AS91261 (2.6 ) Apply Algebraic methods in solving problems (External 4credits)

 Plan for AS91261 (2.6 ) Apply Algebraic methods in solving problems (External 4 credits)

This is their fourth topic and will be taught during the last four weeks of term2  according to the year planner. I am going to start Algebra(2.6, External) tomorrow. And with the knowledge, my learners will gain an extra two internal credits As91269 Systems of equations(2.6, internal 2 credits) too.

This topic is a combination of Algebraic skills and contextually based questions Algebra.
I got student input on how to teach this topic and after a discussion with my students. I made the following planning decisions:
Applying SOLO taxonomy, to work on Achievement/Merit/Excellence.
Spending more time on Algebraic skills, Forming equations, hard factorising, Simplifying, and rearranging.
“Do now” questions every day to work on Algebraic skills.
Focusing on the interpretation of questions and keywords. Mrs Latu will assist by translating wordy questions for one of Tongan ESOL students and Dr janni Van Hees will assist in tackling complicated contextual questions.
Using Google calendar to set lessons and Alegra workbook for homework.
Tracking sheet will be used to track their progress.
Continuing my study classes on Wednesdays and Fridays (after school hours.)
 I will give students a Chunk, Chew, Check to retain the knowledge until examinations(November).
At the end of the topic, learners will be sitting a practice test as this is an external topic.
Using the online whiteboard, videos, lots of repetitive practice form past papers, and education perfect to make my online lessons more effective.

Also, I am going to give lots of practice during upcoming holiday break to prapare them for mock examinations next term which decide their derived grade. My holiday class focus will be on expanding brackets,Simplyfing, Solving (Linear/Quadratics),rearranging, logs and past papers.
       Next step: GOSOLO for Algebra(2.6) and Systems of equations(2.14).

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Christine, that is awesome that you are collaborating with your learners and that they are having input into their learning journey. Of the strategies that you have outlined in this blog post, which strategies did the students indicate that they would like to be applied?


Year11 Reflection: