Friday, September 22, 2023


 We had the privilege to present our CoL Inquiry at Tamaki College this week, Here is my part,

Thursday, September 21, 2023

As 91269 Systems of equations Reflection(5) & week9/10 Monitoring

 There are five internals in this course, here is the final internal update including the last internal reflection:

Most of them have gained 14 credits and worked hard toward the Derived grade examination this week at school. 

week 9/10 Monitoring- here is the record Link and they agreed come during the holidays to rewind their learning.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Monitoring continued week7 and 8

 My learners have been working towards the derived grade examination. I have getting feedback weekly basis to improve my teaching practice to enhance their learning. I found Chunk Chew more effective in transferring Teacher ownership to student ownership. My learners are trying the visual way by writing on the whiteboard, the Aural way by recording their answers, and the kinesthetic way by teaching in the classroom.

Here is the week 7Feedback:

week8 feedback:

Year11 Reflection: