Sunday, June 20, 2021

Plan-As91035(1.10) Multivariate data

My Learners have finished their second internal and have moved to the third internal last week.

This is an investigation topic with four credits.

Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence

·    Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle
· Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle, with justification.
·      Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle, with statistical insight.

I will use the PPDAC cycle and online lessons and NZ GRAPHER to draw graphs for this assignment.
I am going to use a literacy strategy (Three level guide, vocab jumble).PEEL structure chain to draw analysis and conclusion.
I will let the students do a practice assignment in class so that they can use the same skills for the internal.
As it is a huge jump as my learners are at a lower stannine level, I will focus on repetition on Analysis and
I am going to provide online feedback for the assignment for the practice test.
I believe giving students comprehensive feedback on the practice assignments will enable improvement.
I am going to use group activities for the teaching of the writing element of this assessment then collate all the ideas in a class discussion.
E.g. Making a question, analysis (center, unusual points, spread, shift/overlap and shape,) conclusion.
At the end of the topic, I am going to give the students a
(google form) with the following questions;
I really enjoy this unit/ I didn’t enjoy this unit
I found this useful/not useful
Next step: SOLO taxonomy

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Literacy strategy

 I have been working with Dr Janni to find a way to work on Pythagoras and trigonometry.

Key ideas are:

Always have a vocabulary word on the board-height, angle of elevation, angles, Adjacent, Hypotenuse, etc.

Mathematics Vocab dictionary if it is memorable retrieve it several times.

Vocab quizzes.

Try to unpack the words before going to the content.

Developing Academic Mathematics vocabulary.

Example Question(2) Use the diagram and label it. Talk it through the diagram to find the angle.

What is the angle? how far it got stacked? 

Question(3) Read it, extract the word problem to draw the diagram, and do it with them.

Create staff meeting

Last week we had our Manaiakalani cluster Create staff PLD at Stonefields school

Five students in my inquiry class and two of them from my year9 class participated.

Here is the presentation:










This year it was run by our young people with the teacher's guidance. It has been a wonderful example of empowerment, seeing our students being the teacher and generators of the content. After the session, I  noticed a huge improvement in their confidence and engagement in the classroom. Geogebra helped them understand the 3D and nets better on a virtual plane as we worked on 3D Pythagoras and Trigonometry.

Year11 Reflection: