Monday, February 22, 2021

Summary of 2020 Inquiry including external results


My Inquiry focus for 2020: How can I accelerate learning in my Year 12 calculus mix ability class so that Maori students (and other students) can gain at least 14 credits, endorsements, and pathways into the year 13 Calculus course? Our focus was on Algebraic skills and literacy strategies to promote contextually based questions. 

I made key changes in my teaching after the first lockdown. These shifts included causal steps in literacy strategies and student-assisted learning. I utilized the online Miro whiteboard to run matching activities and used, tracking sheets and lesson setting on google calendar. I also made sure to test periodically and used Miro lessons for external topics to create rewindable learning during the lockdown.

As I got closer to externals, I tweaked the monitoring of their progress weekly by 'doing now' activities and conducting weekly tests to improve their accuracy skills.

Here is the internal evaluation Link      

 Overall evaluation including external:

Overall evaluation including external: The externally assessed As91262 Algebra standard, Achieved 20%(1 out of 5) compare to last year’s 23%(3 out of 13), Merit 20%(1 out of 5) compare to last year’s 7.69%(1 out of 13), Excellence 0%  both years.

The externally assessed As91262 Calculus standard went particularly well, Achieved 58%(11 out of 19) compare to last year’s 25%( 2 out of 8), Merit 5%( 1 out of 19) compare to last year’s 0%, no Excellence both years.

One student gained Merit endorsement, which was the same as last year.

12( out of 22) students gained 14 + credits compare to 6 (out of 25) last year. These students have met part of the entry requirements for the Diploma of Engineering program as well as other courses.

In 2020,  20 of the students were enrolled for externals. The highlight is that 12 students have passed at least one external meaning these students have met part of the diploma tertiary qualification. 

 I have been at Tamaki College for 3 years as a calculus teacher. In 2018, 11 students passed at least one external, in 2019 -5 students passed at least one external, and in 2020 12 students passed at least one external. This is a good record, even though the examination papers were quite challenging in 2020 compared to past years. 

Reflection on my professional learning through this inquiry cycle: Through the inquiry process, I developed a better understanding of learning pedagogy. I also improved learning outcomes for our Maori and Pasifika students. 2020 brought its challenges with online teaching due to COVID. I learned about the effectiveness of online learning and particularly enjoyed using tools such as Miro and Google calendar. I am looking forward to integrating online teaching into lessons in 2021. 

Year11 Reflection: