Saturday, September 26, 2020

Term3 Update -Monitoring

There are 22 Learners in this class as one of them has left. I have been monitoring every learner very closely to get the most of every learner. I have been flexible this year in due to COVID I have divided them into five groups with the help of the whanau as they have various commitments. The first group comes in the mornings(8am to 8.30am), the second group comes on Wednesdays after school, the third group comes on Thursday after school, the fourth group comes on Friday after school, and the Fifth (one student) comes on Lunchtime as she founds it really hard to fit with thee groups. 

As a result, 20 out of 21 learners have moved to 11 credits now, There are two external and 12 students who will be sitting Calculus (one )external, and 8 students who will be sitting two external. Currently, my learners are working on past papers to sit the Mock examination(derived grade examination) in Term4/week2. Also agreed to come during the upcoming holiday break classes.





Next step: Holiday class monitoring

Sunday, September 13, 2020

GO SOLO As91262(2.26) Calculus(External)

There are two external topics in the course. My learners found this Calculus topic extremely enjoyable compare to Algebra As91262(2.5)  external so I have enrolled every learner in the class for Calculus external and selected learners for both.  I taught using Miro online board during the second lockdown since it has too many complicated questions. Also, these resources will be useful for rewindable learning for the Mock examinations(Term4, week2) and end of year NCEA examination will be on the 19th of November. 

My learners and I found SOLO taxonomy useful to differentiate the questions between Achievement, Merit and Excellence.


Understand the relationship between a function (equation) and the
 *  graph of the gradient function (derivative)
 *  area between the graph and the x axis (integral)
Understand the symbols   dy/dx, f’(x), f"(x) and dx
Differentiate expressions that have integer exponents like 3x2 and 4/x2
Find the gradient at a given point of a graph if given the equation of the graph
Find the point on a graph that has a given gradient if given the equation of the graph
Integrate expressions that have integer exponents like 3x2 and 4/x2
Find the equation of a curve if I am given the gradient function
Find turning points
Identify what type of turning point and when a function is increasing or decreasing
Find the equation of a tangent to a curve
Solve kinematics problems (velocity, acceleration)
Interpret my solution into words related to the problem
Optimisation problems
Rates of change
Form equations for optimization and area problems, kinematics and rates of change

My Leraners

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Evaluation-As 91269(2.15)-Systems of equations-

This is the fourth and final internal assessment. In this internally assessed 91269 Systems of equations standard, Not Achieved 0%  compared to last year’s 4%,  Achieved 54%  compared to last year’s 68%, Merit  19%  compared to last year’s 4%, Excellence 27%  compared to last year’s 23%. Overall there is a shift in the progress and I am very impressed as this got taught during the second lock-down. And lock-down has been a beneficial time for my learners.

Next step: Monitoring continues with externals Algebra and Calculus.

Year11 Reflection: